Why Secession Won't Work - A Thread:

1. It's an outdated idea from a time when the country didn't have every square inch occupied with entrenched infrastructure.

2. Every angry person who wants to secede is surrounded by millions of others that don't.

3. There is no separate area of America for the angry minority to move to alone, because #2. You can't force millions out of their jobs and lives to claim a geographical area.

4. People screaming for secession don't understand the umbrella of comforts and protections they live
under. Infrastructure, healthcare, military treaties, all of which will have to be restarted and renegotiated from a position of weakness, with a fraction of our country's population. Wide open to attack, invasion, and denial of service by surrounding countries.
5. The logistical nightmare of filling the needed job roles that make a society function. Like your job in America? Have fun taking a job you hate because Secessionland needs menial laborers more than you need to be happy.

6. And speaking of creature comforts -
Better hope that Starbucks, restaurants, auto manufacturers, internet providers, and other modern services are willing to do business with a struggling, impoverished new nation - again, bargaining from a position of weakness. They don't just magically exist in your new country.
7. If your whole family doesn't want to go, and you still choose to - enjoy the immigration experience of trying to get dual citizenship or visit a country you supposedly hated enough to leave. And again - can't say this enough - those are treaties and policies you will have
to negotiate from a country that has no reason to treat you favorably.

8. Following #7 - if you learn that Secessionland is terrible and want to move back? Enjoy learning what it's like to be the same kind of immigrant you've likely spent your life hating and fighting against.
9. Given its population of virus-hoaxers and start-from-scratch medical infrastructure, Secessionland would likely be overrun by COVID and wiped into oblivion. I can't imagine many real scientists and doctors wanting to live there.
All to say - secession is the rallying cry of the angry children who haven't bothered to think it through, because if they were prone to critical thinking, they wouldn't be Trump supporters and secessionists in the first place.

Please consider acting like grown-ups instead.

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Some WESC submissions that are worth a read....(my thread of bookmarks)

Judge Paula Grey is president of the Gender Recognition Panel

She doesn't make any recommendations, but she sets out how the process currently works

Which chimes with my analysis of the GRP User Panel and statistics

She is also co-author if the Equal Treatment Bench Book and writes about how the judges are trained by Gendered Intelligence

There is the government's own response


On single sex spaces they say the law is clear that service providers are able to restrict access to spaces on the basis of biological sex where there is clear justification.

The response from @womensaid is significant.

Their members want trans survivors to get support they need but not by undermining their ability to serve women with female staff & female only services

They highlight lack of clarity


This was their position in 2015

They have moved on alot - they have been consulting with members since last year, and have had the courage to say what their members told them, not what Stonewall wanted to

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He's wrong to prioritise Labour Party members over the public:

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