بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Music has been so normalized that “scholars” have even misguided people on it. May Allah forgive us and guide us, aameen.

This will be a long but informative thread on this topic, in shaa’ Allah
Ibn Masud (rAa) said about this ayah: “It is singing, by the one and only God” he repeated it 3x (Tafsir Tabari 11/61)

Ibn Abbas says the same thing (recorded in Adab Al Mufrad), so do Jabir Ibn Abdillah and Ibn Umar. As well as Ibn Abbas’ father (radhiAllahu ‘anhum)
The scholars of tafsir regarding the voice (of Iblis):

Mujahid: It is singing, flutes, distraction, falsehood (Tafsir Tabari 15/81)

Hasan Al-Basri: It’s the duff and the flute (Tafsir Samani 3/258)
Ibn Abbas said: It is singing. Upon hearing the Quran, they (the mushrikeen of makkah) used to sing and play. (Tafsir Tabari 13/82)

Mujahid also says the same thing in Talbis Iblis by Ibn Jawzi (p. 231)
Ibn Abbas said: The Quraysh would make tawaf around the kabah naked while whistling and clapping.

Mujahid said: They used to oppose the Prophet ﷺ while making tawaf by whistling and clapping, trying to confuse him ﷺ during tawaf and prayer

Ighathat Lahfan (2/274-275)
The word {اللهو} is again mentioned in these verses. The sahaba said lahwal hadith is talking about music. The same word is used generally in the Quran in these verses. People look to music for amusement/entertainment, that which is forbidden.
Ibn Qasim (rahimahuLLah) said “I asked Malik (Ibn Anas) about singing. He said: Allah the Highest said: *quoted Surah Yunus verse 32*
Then he said “Is it Haqq (truth)?”

Tafsir Al Qurtubi (14/52)
Ibn Hajar completed the chain of this hadith, it was narrated by Abu Malik Al Ashari rAa.
Prophet ﷺ warns us about the bell
Prophet ﷺ warns us about drums
Similar hadith to the one in bukhari
Zina of the ears
Quran and Sunnah are clear about this issue. Now, let’s see if the 4 madhabs follow, starting with the hanafis.

“Abu Hanifa, he used to hate singing and considered it among the sinful acts. Same as Sufyan, Hammad, Ibrahim, Shabi and others.”
This was reported in Talbis Iblis p. 282 and Ighathat Lahfan 1/348

“Abu Hanifah regarding this is from the strictest opinions...
They explicitly mentioned that it’s a sin and the one who engages in it is a fasiq whose testimony is rejected... seeking pleasure is disbelief”
“Abu Yusuf said regarding a house which has music coming from it, Enter upon them without permission for forbidding evil is obligatory.” Ibid

It’s permissible to smash other people’s instruments in the hanafi madhab as Ibn Abidin explains in Hashiyat (5/575)
“The testimony of the one who sings to people is rejected because he gathering people for a major sin”

Al Bidayah by Al-Marghinani (3/137)

Malikis say the same: When Imam malik was asked, he said “only the sinners amongst us do it” (Talbis Iblis p. 229)
The same is brought by Al Sahnun in Al-Mudawwanah Al Kubra (11/421) and by Shaykh Al Islam Abu Tayyib At-Tabari in Ar-Radd ala man yuhibbus-sama (p. 30)

Dusuqi says “Listening to songs is prohibited if they incite ones desire, contain bad words or accompanied by instruments
This can be found in his hashiyat (2/327)

Shafii madhab: Shafii said, “Singing is a hated distraction. It resembles falsehood and idleness. Whoever does it a lot is foolish and their testimony is rejected.” Sunan Al Bayhaqi (10/322)
Abu Ishaq Shirazi says that it’s haram when accompanied by instruments and beating of the duff is allowed on special occasions which is the exception. Al-Baghawi says the same thing.
Ahmad Ibn Hanbal said singing makes hypocrisy grow in the heart. (Al-Amr bilMaruf wanNahi anil Munkar 164)

he also said “the flute, pipe, sorna (woodwind instrument), mandolin, lute, rebec and its likes are haram” Talbis Iblis p. 301
The third type of proof is ijma, which is also found. Al Qurtubi cites ijma in this tafsir under surah 31:6. Ibn Hajar says some scholars have relayed ijma on this issue, in Fath Al Bari - Bab Al Hiram.

Ibn Taymiyah cites ijma of 4 schools (Majmu 11/576)
Ibn Qudamah: Musical instruments such as the mandolin, flute etc are instruments of sin by consensus (Mughni 9/115)

Ibn Nujaim Al Hanafi: Al-Bazzazi reported in Al Manaqib consensus regarding prohibition of singing with an instrument (Bahr Raiq 7/89)
Other scholars such as Ibn Al Qayyim and Al-Ajurri also cited ijma. Albani rh cites ijma of 4 schools like Ibn Taymiyah.

Al-Qadhi Iyyadh went extreme and said whoever denies its prohibition is disbeliever. (Sharh Al Muntaha 9/358)

Alhamdulillah, from the information above it’s quite clear that music is prohibited. Since there is a tantamount of evidence from the Quran, sunnah along with some many citations of ijma, any speech of a mujtahid against this is disregarded, whether it’s Ibn Hazm or otherwise.
With that being said, there are exceptions to the rule. If the singing is not women to men, doesn’t contain bad words and doesn’t include instruments, it’s permissible as long it’s not excessive. And we have narrations on special occasions for women playing duff and singing.
This singing for women is only amongst themselves though. Lullabies for babies are also included in this type of singing. and Allah knows best.

That’s the end of the thread, if I said something wrong, it’s from me and shaytan and Allah SWT and His messenger ﷺ are free from it.
May Allah protect us from sin (especially that of music). May Allah grant us guidance and increase all of us in beneficial knowledge and righteousness. Ameen

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Unfortunately the "This work includes the identification of viral sequences in bat samples, and has resulted in the isolation of three bat SARS-related coronaviruses that are now used as reagents to test therapeutics and vaccines." were BEFORE the

chimeric infectious clone grants were there.https://t.co/DAArwFkz6v is in 2017, Rs4231.
https://t.co/UgXygDjYbW is in 2016, RsSHC014 and RsWIV16.
https://t.co/krO69CsJ94 is in 2013, RsWIV1. notice that this is before the beginning of the project

starting in 2016. Also remember that they told about only 3 isolates/live viruses. RsSHC014 is a live infectious clone that is just as alive as those other "Isolates".

P.D. somehow is able to use funds that he have yet recieved yet, and send results and sequences from late 2019 back in time into 2015,2013 and 2016!

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