The 12 Life Learnings of Carlos Gracie Sr.
(And my thoughts)


1.) Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
Mental strength is possibly the greatest strength you could have.

While physical strength is a great supplementation, the power of the mind is essential to any great achievement.
2.) Speak to every one of happiness, health, and prosperity.
This is self-explanatory.

However, it is equally important to speak of these things to yourself.

Perfect your health,
Pursue your happiness,
Think of your prosperity.
3.) Give all your friends the feeling that they are valuable.
Extend this to strangers too.

Gratitude is free and is the greatest marketing tool you can use.
4.) Look at things from a positive point of view and turn positivity into a reality of life.
While it is important to understand the darkness of life,

Positivity is a benefit that repays itself.

Good things happen to optimists.
5.) Think only about the best, work only for the best, and always expect the best.
Hold only the highest standards for yourself.

Don’t only dream bigger, actually take the action to achieve bigger.

Remember that your long-term goals are achieved through continual short-term discipline.
6.) Be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are of your own.
Regarding success, be happy for your friends and learn from your enemies.

Envy is a poison that kills slowly and painfully.
7.) Forget about past mistakes and concentrate your energy on the victories of tomorrow.
Learn from the mistakes you made, but be sure not to get caught up in them.

Don’t fall victim to the victim mentality.
8.) Always make those around you happy and keep a pleasant attitude to those who address you.
While I don’t necessarily disagree with this one, it is important to note that you shouldn’t make others happy at the cost of your own health.

Keep the pleasant attitude though, even in exhaustion.
9.) Apply the largest amount of your time on self-improvement and no time in criticizing others.

10.) Be too big to feel unrest, too noble to feel anger, too strong to feel fear, and too happy to tumble in adversity.
When unrest happens, detach and find your solution.

When anger comes, use it productively before it turns into blind wrath.

When fear rears its head, POWER THROUGH.

Be pleasant while you fight your battles, it will separate you from the pack.
11.) Hold a positive opinion of yourself and tell it to the world. Not through words of vanity, but through benevolence.
The majority of the world falls prey to fearful vanity.

Extend a helping hand, but hold back your ego.

The only noble charity is done anonymously.
12.) Believe strongly that the world is on your side… if you keep true to what is best within you.
Find the things that are the most important to you and do not compromise on your morals.

Success will be achieved.

Cutting corners is not worth your soul.

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