Did you ever hear the tragedy of Jacob Peters? I thought not. It's not a story the British would tell you. It's a Conspirologist legend. Jacob Peters was a Bolshevik, so powerful and so wise he could use the British to influence the very fabric of reality in Russia.

Officially, "Jacob" "Peters" was the son of a Latvian farmhand. After the Revolution of 1917, he was one of the founders of the Cheka. Officially, he was Dzerzhinsky's deputy, but there are reasons to think he was equal or even superior to "Iron Felix".
Depending on who he was talking to, Peters claimed that he was was born either to pauper peasants or to a wealthy landowner's family. It is unclear whether Latvian, Polish or Russian was his first language.
During the 1905 Revolution he claimed to have been involved in "propaganda among Latvian paupers and peasants". Later he was accused of the attempted murder of a factory owner; after his acquittal he went to London, where he met with "Theodore" "Rothstein".
Rothstein was the Russian communists' "Man in London" who was good friends with C. P. Scott, influential politician & editor of The Guardian. At one point, Scott called Prime Minister Lloyd George and asked him to stop a Scotland Yard investigation into Rothstein.
Anyway, Peters was involved in "The Siege of Sidney Street" - a robbery (aside from Dark Money, the commies financed their operations with robberies) gone wrong that turned into a multi-day battle with several dead policemen. Winston Churchill led the police operation.
Peters was once again acquitted of all charges (what a lucky guy!). Soon after, he became friends with Clare Sheridan, cousin to Winston Churchill & S-tier international slut who had relationships with members of a dozen intelligence services and terrorist organizations.
(I suggest taking a look at Sheridan's biography. A true feast for the distinguished conspiracy connoisseur). Clare introduced Peters to May Freeman, daughter of a successful banker in the City of London, whom he later married.
We are to believe the fairytale that the daughter of a British millionaire married the criminal son of Latvian paupers - in Edwardian England! Anyway, the official story continues: Peters becomes a family man; his father-in-law gets him a good job. Everything is fine.
Suddenly, the February Revolution happens and Peters returns to Russia. A few months later, he joins the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee, i.e. the executive body of the Bolshevik party tasked with organizing the Revolution. The elite of the elite of the Bolsheviks.
Right after the Bolshevik coup, Peters becomes deputy chief of the Cheka and starts his career by "exposing" the so-called "Lockhart conspiracy". Official history claims that this was a plot by the British and French intelligence services to topple the Bolsheviks.
Who better to win a spy game against the best intelligence agencies in the world than a semi-literate Latvian bank robber? The Brits and Frenchmen involved in this provocation were released, some Russian fall guys were shot or imprisoned.
It's worth noting that Lockhart arrived in Russia with a letter of recommendation from Litvinov, another London-based communist and later Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, who penned this letter because aforementioned Rothstein, a personal friend of Lockhart, asked him to.
In 1921, Peters becomes chief of the Turkestan Cheka, where he meets with his old friend from London, the British agent Rothstein, who, at this point, is no longer a mere British agent, but authorized representative of the Soviet Union in Persia.
Rothstein drafted a treaty that gave all property of the Russian Empire in Persia - we are talking about railways, factories, ports; half the country belonged to the Tsar - to the British puppet regime in Teheran. FOR FREE. The Soviets asked for nothing in return. True patriots.
Peters continued working in the Cheka murdering innocent people and in 1938 became a victim of Stalin's purges. In the 40's someone allegedly told his daughter, who worked in the British embassy in Moscow, that her father was alright & working somewhere else under deep cover.
tl;dr Communist son of Latvian peasant marries daughter of a millionaire, is welcomed into the London establishment, becomes head of Cheka and carries out a British imperial agenda while murdering thousands in Russia, then gets shot, but also doesn't get shot.
Such is life in the Land of Workers and Peasants (& Englishmen).

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