
348,601 "ever-#snus users had about 60% lower Parkinson's disease risk compared with never-snus users."

30,000 British doctors followed for 60 years: "current smokers at baseline had a 30% lower risk of


Nicotine is beneficial for people with #ADHD. Research on adults and adolescents with ADHD shows that nicotine patches improve focus and attention, and reduce hyperactivity & impulsivity.

Nicotine reduces symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD).

Nicotine is beneficial for people with schizophrenia. More than 70% of people with schizophrenia smoke.

#SaferNicotine alternatives could help them as therapy, and to not die from smoking.

Nicotine, "(either 2 mg nicotine gum or 7 mg transdermal nicotine patch) potentiates [enhances] the therapeutic properties of neuroleptics in treating Tourette's syndrome... A single patch may be effective for a variable number of days."

Nicotine promotes weight loss. It is "associated with ...increased energy expenditure as a result of increased locomotor activity, increased thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue (BAT), and alterations in fuel substrate utilization."

Nicotine helps smokers quit (and thus not die). Nicotine patches & gum increase smoking cessation success (5% for cold turkey; 9% for patches & gum... but many relapse by 3 years). Longer-term quit efficacy for nicotine vapes is ~20%.

Nicotine patch therapy may be an effective treatment in #epilepsy patients who have nAChR gene variants.

"Transdermal nicotine ...improves symptoms in patients with ulcerative colitis."

"Complete resolution of symptoms was observed in 48.6% of cases with nicotine and only in 24.3% of cases with placebo."
#MedicalNicotine for #COVID19?

"Compared with never smokers, current smokers appear to be at reduced risk of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection, while former smokers appear to be at increased risk of hospitalization, disease severity and mortality from COVID‐19."
#MedicalNicotine THREAD

Nicotine has therapeutic benefits for #StopSmoking; #ParkinsonsDisease; #Alzheimers #Dementia; #ADHD; #MentalHealth; #Tourettes; #UlcerativeColitis; #Schizophrenia; #Epilepsy; #weightloss; and, possibly, preventing #coronavirus infection

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