#Thread on Tantra

The word ’Tantra’ literally means ‘loom’ in Sanskrit. There are several differing explanations as to what this word means. According to one source, this name is supposed to be a pun, and in order to understand it, one has to first understand the word ‘sutra’.

The key texts of Hinduism are known as sutras, a word which also means ‘formula or thread’. Therefore, if a sutra is a single thread of thought, then Tantra would be the loom that produces these threads of thoughts into a whole system of thoughts.
As a comparison, another source suggests that Tantra is a combination of two words, ‘tattva’ and ‘mantra’, which mean the science of cosmic principles and the science of mystic sound and vibration respectively.
In other words, Tantra may be regarded to be “the application of cosmic sciences with a view to attain spiritual ascendancy.”

In the beginning of Satyuga, Lord Shiva appeared in the form of Swacchandanatha, with his five mukha(mouth), namely Ishana, Tatpurusha, Sadyojata,
Vamadeva & Aghor. These mukhas represent his 5 energies, namely, Consciousness, Bliss, Will, Knowledge & Action. He manifested Tantras through his 5 mukhas (energies), some given by each of his mouth while others recited by him through two or more than two mouths simultaneously.
The Tantras that came into existence are Dualistic and Mono-Dualistic and are known as "Shiva Tantra and Rudra Tantra" respectively.
When these five energies of Lord Shiva unite with each other in such a way that each of these take hold of the rest simultaneously,
they give shape to 64 Bhairav Tantras which are purely Monistic(Advait). The thought expounded in these Tantras is called the "Trika" philosophy or the Kashmir Shaivism.

It is believed that sacred scriptures on tantras were originally teachings given by Shiva to his wife, and
then transmitted to human sages such as Matsendranath.

Tantra does not mean promiscuity. Tantra means extreme discipline. Tantra means a technology, a method to use the energies within the body or from the surroundings

One can not practice Tantra without Guru Diksha.
As Lord Shiva says in the following verse that all practices that Tantras advocate, like Yoga, Dhyana, Puja, Japa etc are useless if the person is Adikshata.

AdikshitA ye kurvanti japapujAdikAh kriyAha |
Na phalanti priye teshAm shilAyAmupta vijavat ||
[Shiva says to Sri Devi]
Whatever a person, who is not initiated (adikshita), does, whether it is PujA (worship) or Japa (chanting) or any other religious acts, prove abortive, just like seeds sown on stones do not grow into plants.
KulArnava Tantram 14.96.

It is sad that if you google about tantra you will get articles majorly on tantrik sex. yes, there is tantrik sex and
it is because in tantra women are considered to very sacred and combining with her energy can take one to a very high level of spirituality but it doesn't means that sex is the only thing in tantra

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