1) Listening to the likes of Tucker Carlson, Lindsey Graham, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz and many other traitors in our government warning us of the dangers of further division would be laughable...

2) if those comments, weren’t made in the wake of a failed coup that left 5 dead. A coup attempt where people brought guns, bombs and screamed hang Mike Pence.
3) They want to convince us that impeaching trump again would only serve to divide the country further, to enrage trump and his supporters, to create more chaos and invite more destruction…
4) And they don’t see or pretend not to see that this is the very reason consequences must be delt out. Trump can rant and rave out of the white house and preferably behind bars.
5) That people who created and participated in this failed coup attempt, think that they should not have to pay for their crimes because they think they did nothing wrong is the biggest danger facing the country now and in the future.
6) Letting trump get away with everything is the foundation this treasonous coup was built upon. Not setting the record straight, not insisting censuring him, not taking him seriously has led us here today!
7) These people seemed baffled that reasonable Americans want those responsible to be held accountable, they are astounded by the fact that we are not humbled and receptive of their lukewarm remorse, fake apologies and their similarly fake about-face.
8) Now they are trying now to guilt us into being part of their treason. For make no mistakes if we do not hold the architects of this coup accountable we will be accomplices to their treason!
9) Some seem stunned that the plot they have been hatching for the last four years has born fruit, and the fruit was not the one they were expecting.
10) They failed to consider the psychology not only of the man they were betting on, but of his followers. Now bathed in the bloods of their victims they would like us to forgive and forget, to pretend nothing major happened.
11) Others yet again seem unaware of the magnitude of the hell they have unleashed, it hasn’t occurred to them that the threat is far from over. That people's lives are still in danger as is our democracy.
12) Those they’ve been pointing fingers at are still in grave danger, that the sycophants they’ve been egging on might at any moment go after one they have labeled enemy.
13) The last category however is the most dangerous of all, those that know full well the dangers and the game being played with American lives, but who for their own purposes are still spouting their lies hoping to create even more chaos all the while playing the victim.
14) They still want a bloody coup, that's their end game. They are still egging on their base, hoping for a massacre on the steps of the white house on inauguration day.
14) So, to all those trumpers out there, who might still have a shred of conscience and decency, know that the game you’re playing is not the game being played by those leading you. Furthermore, your leaders are far less likely to face dire consequences than you.
15) Case in point you are being rounded up while they are still sitting pretty in office. You will end up in jail, they will receive a slap on the wrist.

Muriel Vieux
January 9th, 2021

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