Since we're looking at this, thought I would bring up something interesting that's been going on for the last few days.

@mil_ops did a video Thursday noting some interesting traffic in the DC area.
In short, there's been some interesting traffic moving from Italy to Europe.
Black ops seem to be grounded on Thursday with no new flights on the flight log.
And there's been a flurry of activity in the DC area. AF1 & 2 went up with a lot of protection (only AF2 squawking). Drones all over DC, and Green Jolly's all over Langley.
Interesting about the Green Jolly (search and rescue) given this tweet from November. At least I think it is.
Could this have just been an exercise? Don't know... notice the signal jam (zig zag flight path.

But here's where it gets even crazier.
Everyday this week, Tuesday - Friday, the Glare12 was circling for 3-4 hours each day. It takes off from Hagerstown, Md, takes a path from Frederick, Md down to Dale City, VA and returns along the same path... for 3 hours and 4 on Thursday.
What's the Glare12? Well, it's a hunter. Look at this baby!
Here's more about it.
Anyone familiar with the DC area would quickly notice how interesting the flight path is... From just south of Frederick over Reston & Chantilly, turning around at Dale City and repeating that path in a near perfect straight line.

That's all, thought it was interesting.

More from Fun

A thread on @Dream, his friends, Minecraft, insane Twitter engagement, and more:

Dream & friends' (@GeorgeNotFound, @tommyinnit, @Quackity, @TubboLive, @WilburSoot, etc) meteoric rise and the massive return of Minecraft has been one of the most amazing gaming stories this year.

1/ What do Dream and crew get so right?

On the surface, it's clear that they show the power of good storytelling and each of our desires to "hang out" with a group of friends that are having fun.

(image @Animagician_)

2/ This remains one of, if not the most important draws for great parasocial content -- whether it be Seinfeld, @DavidDobrik's vlogs, or Dream SMP content, the same is true:

We want to feel a little less alone and spend time in the worlds of these friends we know so much about.

3/ Watching this new wave of superstars take over YouTube / Twitch / Twitter gaming cultures has been incredible and bizarre.

Check the replies and engagement

4/ Dream speaks to the underrated and remarkable nature of Minecraft, too. In its 9th year, the game continues to dominate. Why?

Accessible, multi-platform, wide appeal? Sure - but more importantly: it is infinitely extendable. It's a creator's perfect sandbox. (image @SipoverS)

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