The Video Length 17s Clue
Leads to Cue-Drop 17

Here we find ...

Why does Obama travel in advance of POTUS to foreign locations?
Why is this relevant?
Focus on the power of POTUS as it relates to the Marines.


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In the spirit of @threadapalooza, here are all my tweets on building courses, all in one place with 1 line summaries

Continually updating...

Everything I know about how to create a transformational online course

Let's go 👇

1/ The thread that started it all, a collection of my essays and checklists on the

2/ There are two stages to building a successful online course business - launch and your first students

They require mastering different skill

3/ Avoid the same mistakes I made over the last 15 years doing this

4/ Great online courses are not about the transfer of knowledge

They're about the transformation of students

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