By flushing out the same inflammation that leads to depletion of the tryptophan pathway (which adjacently leads to depletion of serotonin) by all tryptophan depleting down to NAD+ in response to inflammation, niacin will quickly restore serotonin by restoring tryptophan.

@freedom9230 It’s not really “excess” serotonin produced but rather, previously depleting/deficient serotonin becoming rapidly restored once the inflammation that was depleting it is flushed out by niacin.
@freedom9230 Once inflammation is for the most part flushed out and thermodynamic energy transfer / metabolism / all auxiliary biochemistry are restored to more homeostatic states, supplemented niacin won’t affect tryptophan down to NAD+ or tryptophan to serotonin pathways.
@freedom9230 Instead, with continued dosing, sufficiently supplied niacin will then work as continued pump-action against any downstream inflammation / free radical electrons that manifest thereafter by turning into NAADP if needed... and any free intracellular niacin will be urinated out
@freedom9230 Does that make sense? Lol
@freedom9230 And note: I have come across a few individuals who experience this rapid-restoration of serotonin (and other neurotransmitters) that they’ve never felt before - this marked relative difference in how little serotonin they had now being restored fully at such a rapid pace
@freedom9230 Often this is mistakenly confused with an allergic reaction (it's not) or that these individuals can't handle niacin, thinking it's leading to this massive serotonin overload. In reality, it's just the experience of this relative marked difference between how little serotonin...
@freedom9230 ... they had as a result of it depleting b/c of ensuing inflammation versus its rapid restoration with sufficient niacin supply. Smaller doses can ease this sudden change (but you still want to make sure it's sufficient niacin to induce flush)..
@freedom9230 ... and very quickly with subsequent continued dosing, the serotonin won't need to restore (and certainly won't need to as rapidly as with the first flush), so those unwanted sensations of rapid serotonin restoration won't occur anymore as serotonin will be restored.
@freedom9230 And as noted, continue niacin dosing beyond the doses that flushed out most of this inflammation that was ensuing before niacin dosing, by shielding against further inflammation, will prevent depletion of serotonin (& keep it sufficient) among other compounds/biochemical pathways
@freedom9230 Some more...

More from For later read

How I created content in 2020

A thread...

Back in Aug 2016, I started creating content to share my experiences as an entrepreneur.
Over 3 years I had put out 1,200+ hours of content - posting every week without

Little did I know that something I started almost 4 years back would give my life an entirely new direction.

At the end of 2019, my biggest platform was LinkedIn with ~700K followers.

In Jan 2020, I decided to build a team that would help me with the content.

I ran a month long recruitment drive to hire a team of interns.

It comprised 4 detailed rounds - starting with my loved 20 questions, then an assignment, then a WhatsApp video round and finally F2F.

Through 1,200+ applications, I finally selected 6 profiles, starting March.

I am a firm believer in @peterthiel's one task, one person philosophy
So the team was structured such that everyone was responsible for ONLY one task

1. Content ideas
2. Videography
3. Video editing
4. LinkedIn (+TikTok) distribution
5. FB+IG distribution
6. YouTube distribution
I should mention, this is why I keep talking about this. Because I know so many people who legally CAN'T.

How do I know they have NDAs, if they can't talk legally about them? Because they trusted me with their secrets... after I said something. That's how they knew I was safe.

Some of the people who have reached out to me privately have been sitting with the pain of what happened to them and the regret that they signed for YEARS. But at the time, it didn't seem like they had any other option BUT to sign.

I do not blame *anyone* for signing an NDA, especially when it's attached to a financial lifeline. When you feel like your family's wellbeing is at stake, you'll do anything -- even sign away your own voice -- to provide for them. That's not a "choice"; that's survival.

And yes, many of the people whose stories I now know were pressured into signing an NDA by my husband's ex-employer. Some of whom I *never* would have guessed. People I thought "left well." Turns out, they've just been *very* good at abiding by the terms of their NDA.

(And others who have reached out had similar experiences with other Christian orgs. Turns out abuse, and the use of NDAs to cover up that abuse, is rampant in a LOT of places.)

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Master Thread of all my threads!

Hello!! 👋

• I have curated some of the best tweets from the best traders we know of.

• Making one master thread and will keep posting all my threads under this.

• Go through this for super learning/value totally free of cost! 😃



Got these scanners from the following accounts:

1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sanjufunda
3. @sanstocktrader
4. @SouravSenguptaI
5. @Rishikesh_ADX

3. 12 TRADING SETUPS which experts are using.

These setups I found from the following 4 accounts:

1. @Pathik_Trader
2. @sourabhsiso19
3. @ITRADE191

4. Curated tweets on HOW TO SELL STRADDLES.

Everything covered in this thread.
1. Management
2. How to initiate
3. When to exit straddles
4. Examples
5. Videos on