Street urchin Keith

Give me fast reflexes, bloodied fists, stiff upper lip. Give me a chip on his shoulder and something to prove because he’s lived this long on his own and he’ll be DAMNED if he’ll let anyone walk all over him.

Give me a secret heart of gold.

Keith’s scrappy, wiry, and muscled, all sharp edges from the outside... hunger and endless fighting will do that, will carve you down to muscle and bone.

He doesn’t get along with others much, but there’s something in him that won’t settle for seeing innocents kicked around.
(Maybe it reminds him too much of when he was young, those years until Shiro when he didn’t have someone to stick up for him.)
He’s got an issue with authority, a cynical streak a mile wide, and a hesitance to open up to anyone who hasn’t earned his trust. He’s used to fighting for himself.

But he’s discovering he’s good at fighting for others, too.
He sees kids getting picked on, people being harassed, and assholes using their power and authority to get their way.

He’s there with his fists raised and a snarl on his face, his attitude flaring up. He scares off the bullies but waves away the “thank you”s he’s offered.
“It’s nothing,” he says. “I’m just doing the right thing.”

It’s not heroism, to him. It’s helping the underdogs, the people like him.

Keith thinks he’s bad with people. He doesn’t trust easily, he fumbles over his words... he’s stony and wary, coming off as aloof.
Keith doesn’t realize his actions speak on his behalf.

Sure, there are those who fear his fists, who sneer at his toughness, who rage at his rebellions and disregard for authority.

But there’s a lot more who see the softness under his rough exterior.
And certain people, the ones who sneak their way in under his guard... they see the real him.

They love him, for his loyalty and nobility and the way he’ll never keep his mouth shut if he knows something’s wrong.
They love his determination — the way he never, /ever/, gives in — and the confidence he exudes when he’s doing something he knows he’s good at.
They love the unexpected humility there, too: how even though he’s got talent, it’s not being better than others that makes him happy about it, it’s the fact that those talents help him achieve his goals.
They love the vulnerability he shows to those he trusts, opening up about his hopes and fears. They love that he shows affection through action and is blunt about what he feels.
Because Keith’s spent too long worrying about losing the people he loves to let them go on not knowing his feelings.

As soon as someone takes the time to see him, to know him, to /trust/ him, he’s all in.
Keith loves like he fights — no holds barred, no subtlety about it. He’s fiercely loyal, fiercely protective... and he’d do anything for the ones he loves.

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