Moderna's mRNA-1273 & Pfizer's BNT162b2 consist of mRNA 3821 nucleotides long encoding *all* 1273 amino acids of the Spike including a 2 Proline-stabilized RBD. This is a plain English Description of the code:

The article mentions a “10 nucleotide linker” (GCAUAUGACU) in the poly-A tail. This is described in the patent link below (Modification of RNA, producing an increased transcript stability and translation efficiency)
Here is a link to the full mRNA code if you wish to download it, blast it or make up a batch in your garage lab:
An overview of the encoded spike protein:
Initial mouse studies:
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine’s brand name is now Comirnaty. koe mir' na tee
The backstory on mRNA vaccines:
More History:
Understanding optimized Modulation of untranslated regions (UTRs):
Understanding codon optimization and why we prefer G & C

More from For later read

I shared this on my FB page and asked, can ya really blame him?

I was half kidding. I also assumed someone would think of what I did pretty quickly and waiting for the comment to mention what I assumed was obvious.

The timing. I was sure someone else had thought of it.

But no one did. 20+ comments in people discussed the morality or bad sense or libertarian perspectives. Someone even said I’m thinking about doing that. No one said what I thought was obvious. Have you thought of it? Is it obvious to you?

Here’s a clue...recognize it?

How about this?

The author discusses it with Mike Wallace in 1958

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