Wow, Morgan McSweeney again, Rachel Riley, SFFN, Center for Countering Digital Hate, Imran Ahmed, JLM, BoD, Angela Eagle, Tracy-Ann Oberman, Lisa Nandy, Steve Reed, Jon Cruddas, Trevor Chinn, Martin Taylor, Lord Ian Austin and Mark Lewis. #LabourLeaks #StarmerOut 24 tweet🧵

Morgan McSweeney, Keir Starmer’s chief of staff, launched the organisation that now runs SFFN.
The CEO Imran Ahmed worked closely with a number of Labour figures involved in the campaign to remove Jeremy as leader.

Rachel Riley is listed as patron.
SFFN claims that it has been “a project of the Center For Countering Digital Hate” since 4 May 2020. The relationship between the two organisations, however, appears to date back far longer. And crucially, CCDH is linked to a number of figures on the Labour right. #LabourLeaks
Center for Countering Digital Hate registered at Companies House on 19 Oct 2018, the organisation’s only director was Morgan McSweeney – Labour leader Keir Starmer’s chief of staff. McSweeney was also the campaign manager for Liz Kendall’s leadership bid. #LabourLeaks #StarmerOut
Sir Keir - along with his chief of staff, Morgan McSweeney - held his first meeting with the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM). Deliberately used the “anti-Semitism” crisis as a pretext to vilify and then expel a leading pro-Corbyn activist in Brighton and Hove
With Sir Keir meeting JLM representatives and with the BoD end-of-May deadline getting nearer, the Labour Party apparatchiks were under pressure. Something had to be done to meet the demands of both the BoD and the JLM. The purge began. #LabourLeaks
Imran Ahmed, according to his Twitter profile, is the “founding CEO of CCDH & SFFN” – thus suggesting his involvement in SFFN since it was first launched in early 2019.

Ahmed also admitted that “SFFN… was one of our earlier projects”. #LabourLeaks #ChickenCoup #StarmerOut
Ahmed, as CEO of an organisation whose director was McSweeney, thus appears to have been operating SFFN long before both organisations have been willing to openly admit.

He is also connected to a number of Labour figures involved in the campaign to remove Jeremy Corbyn
Ahmed worked as special advisor to Hilary Benn, encouraged a vote of “no confidence” against Corbyn in 2016. Was head of communications for Angela #Brickgate Eagle, who launched a leadership challenge the same year. Benn and Eagle “consistently voted” for the Iraq War.
Imran “Imi” Ahmed……reputed to be the source of a prominent #FakeNews storyline which occupied the mainstream media all through the summer of 2016. It concerned #Brickgate – or the trivial matter of a smashed communal stairwell window in Wallasey
#Brickgate didn’t really achieve a great deal ultimately because Jeremy Corbyn was re-elected as Labour leader with an increased majority, despite the mendacious slurs crayoned in banner headlines across the newspapers #LabourLeaks #ChickenCoup #StarmerOut
Ahmed now also sits on the steering committee of Sir Keir Starmer's colleague Theresa May’s Commission for Countering Extremism, where he advises on “conspiracist “news” sites”. #LabourLeaks #ChickenCoup #StarmerOut
Sep 2018 - Angela Eagle and Imran Ahmed worked closely and wrote a book together.

Mark D'Arcy in conversation with Labour MP Angela Eagle and Imran Ahmed, discussing their new book The New Serfdom. #StarmerOut #ChickenCoup #LabourLeaks
Imran Ahmed can’t quite believe it, his Centre for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) is now playing with the big boys.

That week working with Tracy-Ann Oberman. #StarmerOut #ChickenCoup #LabourLeaks
In 2009 he offered to work for free. That got him into Parliament and a career as Special Adviser to Hilary Benn & Alan Johnson. His core mission is to stop bullies. Scratch a racist, Ahmed says, and there is almost always antisemitism underneath. #LabourLeaks #StarmerOut
CCDH lists Countdown figure Rachel Riley as its only patron, adding that it receives additional funds from “Philanthropic trusts and members of the public”. During its effort to demonetise The Canary, SFFN did not publish its own sources of funding. #LabourLeaks #StarmerOut
In Jacobin Magazine's scathing article about CCDH, journalist Branko Marcetic warned: “They’ll Come For Us [the left] Next”.

It seems they already have.

The Canary contacted Imran Ahmed, CCDH, SFFN, and Rachel Riley for comment. None had responded at the time of publication.
CCDH also shares its address with “Blue Labour” campaign group Labour Together, formerly directed by McSweeney, and now co-directed by Labour shadow foreign secretary Lisa Nandy. #StarmerOut #ChickenCoup #LabourLeaks
Companies House records for the company behind Labour Together show McSweeney was also secretary from July 2017 to April 2020, when Starmer became leader of the Labour Party and is being investigated for failing to declare financial backers. #StarmerOut
The investigation was opened in December 2020. Current directors are Lisa Nandy, Steve Reed, Jon Cruddas and Sir Trevor Chinn, who also donated £50,000 to Keir Starmer.

Sir Trevor Chinn has given the group £225,500. He funded other too, all anti-Corbyn MP's. #StarmerOut
Chinn has also funded both Labour Friends of Israel & Conservative Friends of Israel. He also plays a leading role in the Israel lobby groups BICOM & the Jewish Leadership Council. Trevor Chinn (left) Mark Regev (2nd left). Chinn for years funded anti-Corbyn efforts. #ChickenCoup
Labour Together's most significant donor to date is Martin Taylor, who was revealed in 2015 to be a Mayfair hedge fund manager having then given £600,000 to the party under the leadership of Ed Miliband. Taylor has given the group over £700,000. #StarmerOut #LabourLeaks
Labour Together is under investigation by the UK's Electoral Commission after allegedly failing to declare over £800,000 in donations within the time required under law. Potential failures would be breaches of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 #LabourLeaks
Rachel Riley & Ian Austin are involved in another organisation, Mainstream, although there is no mention on their Wikepedia pages & the website link is dead. Austin is now the Prime Ministerial Trade Envoy to Israel & Johnson has given a life time peerage
Coincidently Rachel Riley and Mr Oberman share the same Lawyer, Mark Lewis who is ALSO now acting on behalf of Jon Ashworth's wife Emilie Oldknow in an attempt to reveal the whistleblower of #LabourLeaks next week.

More from Operation Cupcake

More from For later read

1. The death of Silicon Valley, a thread

How did Silicon Valley die? It was killed by the internet. I will explain.

Yesterday, my friend IRL asked me "Where are good old days when techies were

2. In the "good old days" Silicon Valley was about understanding technology. Silicon, to be precise. These were people who had to understand quantum mechanics, who had to build the near-miraculous devices that we now take for granted, and they had to work

3. Now, I love libertarians, and I share much of their political philosophy. But you have to be socially naive to believe that it has a chance in a real society. In those days, Silicon Valley was not a real society. It was populated by people who understood quantum mechanics

4. Then came the microcomputer revolution. It was created by people who understood how to build computers. One borderline case was Steve Jobs. People claimed that Jobs was surrounded by a "reality distortion field" - that's how good he was at understanding people, not things

5. Still, the heroes of Silicon Valley were the engineers. The people who knew how to build things. Steve Jobs, for all his understanding of people, also had quite a good understanding of technology. He had a libertarian vibe, and so did Silicon Valley

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Once upon a time there was a Raja named Uttānapāda born of Svayambhuva Manu,1st man on earth.He had 2 beautiful wives - Suniti & Suruchi & two sons were born of them Dhruva & Uttama respectively.

Now Suniti was the daughter of a tribal chief while Suruchi was the daughter of a rich king. Hence Suruchi was always favored the most by Raja while Suniti was ignored. But while Suniti was gentle & kind hearted by nature Suruchi was venomous inside.

The story is of a time when ideally the eldest son of the king becomes the heir to the throne. Hence the sinhasan of the Raja belonged to Dhruva.This is why Suruchi who was the 2nd wife nourished poison in her heart for Dhruva as she knew her son will never get the throne.

One day when Dhruva was just 5 years old he went on to sit on his father's lap. Suruchi, the jealous queen, got enraged and shoved him away from Raja as she never wanted Raja to shower Dhruva with his fatherly affection.

Dhruva protested questioning his step mother "why can't i sit on my own father's lap?" A furious Suruchi berated him saying "only God can allow him that privilege. Go ask him"