When people asked to reallocate funds from Police in Hamilton in June 2020, this happened. My view, the issue of resisting changes to police budget is far more systemic than people think. They invested in fighting it. @samnabi @ReallocateW @OfAcb @570NEWS

Stephen Harper invested in prisons. Corruption, collusion and bid rigging involved Richard Bird of Enbridge. He owns Bird Construction Inc. He builds court houses, prisons, opp and RCMP detachments. https://t.co/ZA3LcypCMS
Enbridge has been fiscally donating to police for a long time.
Police and fire department as first responders have judicial power to decide when to call the MNR spills action centre when accidents happen. I know this from a spill I witnessed in the Humber River. Police and oil are too close and conflicts exist.
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment’s failure to charge Imperial Oil signals that “the minister’s promise to police industry and enforce existing environmental laws is an empty one.” - @ecojustice_ca scientist Elaine MacDonald https://t.co/p2qBSrSlLl #onpoli
Ontario Police neglect to investigate recent rail disaster between CN and Canadian Pacific Railway resulting in derailment, crude oil spills, and death. CBC also found too there has been other railway crashes that have been left uninvestigated.
Conflicts exist but they don't have to if people are willing to ask for changes. We need to simply understand the current system and make our voices heard. I don't blame our local politicians. I blame the system they are captured in rooted to Provincial governance.
Many communities are experiencing the same issues. With collaboration we can share our experiences, learn from them and work to advance the reforms we need to see.
@threadreaderapp unroll

More from Louisette Lanteigne 🌎✌️⚖️♥️

Please Review re: Coastal GasLink Pipeline @TaxJusticeNet @FairTaxCanada @GA4TJ @StopCorpAbuse @SEC_Enforcement @anticorruption @UNDPGAIN @OCCRP @ICIJorg @hrw @HRWcanada @UN_Women @UN4Indigenous @WMC_WR @NWAC_CA @NCAI1944 @AFN_Updates @lakotalaw @HonorTheEarth @antonioguterres

53 organizations representing over 2 million people, we call on the Government of Canada to immediately order EDC to align its business with Canada’s climate commitments. Coastal Gaslink Pipeline mentioned.

In Canada the pattern repeated with multiple pipelines. After approvals they flip the ownership of pipes with asset sales to negate contractual obligations re: terms of approval, insurance, liability etc. This happened to TransMountain, Coastal Gas Link, Enbridge Line 10 etc.

My email to the Prime Minister from Feb. 2020. I am still waiting for the answers.

Canada Energy Regulator (CER) is formerly the National Energy Board. I asked for proof of the insurance of Enbridge's pipelines. The CER Chair sent me data based on assets owned in 2016 most of which has been sold off since. The website give in the response held that info.
Canada is failing to act on Climate Change. @wef @WorldBank @IMFNews @IPCC_CH @UNDPGAIN @AntiCorruptIntl @Pontifex @JustinWelby @OCCRP @StopCorpAbuse @TaxJusticeNet @FairTaxCanada @ecojustice_ca @WCELaw @CanEnvLawAssn @envirodefence @IBA_Canada #cdnpoli

Covid recovery money is going to the oligarchy.

Ottawa and the provinces have put very little on the table to help clean-tech companies directly during Covid 19 while targeting fossil-fuel producers with more than $16 billion in aid.

Coast to coast people have demanded treaties be honored. We demanded climate action, divestment and land back but Canada is not listening. This video shows 10 years of rallies in Waterloo Ontario. City & regional council declared a climate emergency. 🚨

The Bank of China (BOC), SNC-Lavalin and WE Charity were recipients of taxpayer-funded the Covid 19 Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS)

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