Senate Democrats just killed the push today for $2000 checks.

A few Senators--namely Sanders and Markey--wanted to hold up the NDAA as leverage to push for a vote on $2000.

Democratic leadership rejected this--including Vice President elect Harris.

Let’s be real: McConnell is the one at fault for refusing to put a vote for the $2000 on the floor in the first place and being fifty shades of hypocritical along the way.

But Democratic leadership has, once again, folded to Republicans without attempting to fight for us.
If Democratic leadership is actually serious about getting $2000 checks to people, they would do one of two things:

a.) Find another leverage against McConnell and Senate Republicans

b.) Take McConnells offer on the combined bill of $2000 checks and Trump wishlist items
McConnell has made it clear today that he is not interested in putting a vote for $2000 checks on the floor unless it’s through his bill—which includes repealing Section 230 and putting together a committee to study “election fraud” in the 2020 election.
The argument that Dem leadership will make is that getting this NDAA through is vital, and can't be held up as leverage.

This is precisely why Sanders & Markey wanted to hold it up as leverage.

Dem leadership better have a Plan B if they are serious about helping people.
Technically, we can consider a "wing and a prayer" approach by hoping that Democrats take the Senate after Georgia's runoff election, and hope that the Democratic led Senate would pass these $2000 checks and have Trump--or Biden--sign it into law in the coming days.
I'm also aware that Vice President elect Harris sponsored legislation to get $2000 to Americans.

But I ask how she proposes to actually get Senate Republicans to agree to $2000 payments when McConnell refused a clean bill, and while shooting down potential leverage on this today
If Democrats held the Senate, legislation like this may be able to pass through.

And they wouldn’t have to resort to holding up the NDAA as leverage to do so.

Which is why it’s incredibly important for Georgians to vote for Warnock and Ossoff in the upcoming runoff election.
I’ll make it extremely clear again, as I did above: the fact that this $2000 vote is not put on the floor is squarely on the shoulders of Mitch McConnell and the Republicans in the Senate.

But Democrats just threw away the best leverage they had, and this can’t be ignored.
Not for nothing, but this NDAA is far from just “a paycheck for troops”.

It’s a slush fund of hundreds of billions of luxury spending for defense contractors, new dangerous development for nuclear weapons, and continues funding our disastrous interventions and inhumane sanctions

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