We all know no-one should profit from antisemitic hate speech right? Well, tell that to the @JewishChron.

their media pack they advertise that they've run (at least) one event with Nigel Farage as a speaker. The JC is using their connection with an antisemite to make money.

Important bits first. The media pack has a 2020 calendar so it is probably just over a year old. Which means, all of our examples below bar one had been published when they tried to make money from an event with Nigel Farage. They knew what he had said and didn’t care.
You want one example? Here you go. The JC knew and even called him out on it. So why does their press pack, probably made just months after this and made to get people to advertise with them, show off their link to him?

What kind of advertisers do they want??
For anyone skim reading, let us make this very clear, using words from the Campaign Against Antisemitism. @antisemitism.
Ok, so now the attention-grabbing bits are done, lets dig deeper.

Is Nigel actually an antisemite, Geoffrey hears someone ask in terribly bad faith. Well, lets explore his history of antisemitism through the JC’s own articles!
Here is the JC clarifying that some of what Nige says falls into antisemitic conspiracies, before we begin. Remember that even they have qualified these things as antisemitic.

Now lets work backwards, shall we?
Here is Nigey in 2020 blaming disease on the Jews – classic trope mate, never gets old.
Seven months earlier the JC had reported on Nige.
Here is another article just a month previous showing more of his anti-Jewish racism. I mean we’d probably argue that three articles laying out Nige pushing antisemitic tropes in 12 months and 29 days is probably not great.
Here’s Nigel being nice about Orban, whose comments the JC also thinks might be antisemitic (because they are and he is). From the same article.
So why are the JC happy to host him? Do they think that the APPG on Antisemitism is wrong, or do they not care?
Not a ringing endorsement from the JC for Nige here, talking about globalists with renowned conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Farage was called out by the BoD for that.
His followers aren't great either - In 2018 the JC published this account of antisemitism and misogyny after Farage shared a Jewish woman’s criticism of him on Twitter.
Loud and clear in 2017.
In May 2019 the JC published this in an opinion piece from Jonathan Friedland.
He's referred to as the UKIP leader in their media pack. Here is a reminder of what the JC were reporting on about UKIP. When they were a thing, had some distinctly unsavoury allies.
Moving on from JC sources, the Campaign Against Antisemitism has a page on Farage.
They make it very clear what they think of him.
The Guardian reported in late 2019 on his six interviews with an antisemite who called Trump impeachment a 'jew-coup'.
You can find more info on Farage and antisemitism here: https://t.co/P45dE9bhbp

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