The farmer is not our saintly anadata!

Yes they deserve respect for what they do but it's fact that he doesn't do anyone else a favour by growing foodgrains. Remember farming is his occupation that earns him a livelihood that provides for his family. Just like the rest of us.

No one is forcing a #farmer to carry on farming if he can't make it pay for itself.

We have witnessed farmers migration for better life in states like Bihar, Jharkhand and UP.

We know that farmers are given free power, free water, subsidies on seed, subsidies on fertiliser, MSP, and others. Farmers are not even charged income tax.

Even after all this benefits if "Large Farmers" can't be profitable there is something wrong in their intention!

It is true that farming is subsidised around the world. But not to the extent that is being demanded in India. Both in absolute terms and in relative terms our farm subsidies are very high.

It is still ok but the benefits should be given to small and marginal farmers

We need to allow consolidation of farm holdings and our subsidies need to be rationalised.

More than our farmers it is the landless labour of rural and urban India that deserves our sympathy and government support.

In India, government and taxpayers have been supporting them for long. What else is needed to manage a profitable show

.. problem is these "Large Farmers" are exploiting these benefits for there advantage and small farmers are struggling for livelihood.

If after all these measures farming isn't remunerative, let's do ourselves a favour and give it up

Can we not start an agitation that benefits should only go to small and marginal farmers?

Can people in any other occupation hold the rest of us to ransom for similar benefits?

In a democracy there are two ways to make laws

1. through an elected legislature 2. through legal challenges mounted through constitutional courts. There is no third way

Please explore -

What this agitation all about?
Who is funding this agitation?
Why only Large Farmers?

Blocking highways, trains and threatening to destroy property and indulge in violence against the state and private property is not democratic protest

It is hooliganism and thuggery by #LargeFarmers, and those egging it on are no better than hooligans and criminals themselves

The farmers' agitation has clearly been infiltrated by forces that have little to do with farmers' welfare.

It is nothing more than a large political campaign by #LargeFarmers

While opposition parties are well within their rights to support their demands in the hope of reaping future electoral benefits.

But foreign leaders and anti India organisations housed in countries are totally not welcome to butt in.

Don't make our internal issue global

Yes, It's true that farming is susceptible to a lot of vagaries of weather, disease, market forces, but then that is true of most occupations.

Why should the farmer have the first call on our collective sympathy and resources.

India's villages are no islands of pastoral and progressive virtue. They are bastions of feudalism, casteism, communalism and patriarchy. By uncritically supporting their economic and political demands we are unwittingly strengthening these damaging social pathologies as well.
While crony capitalism is a very genuine concern in a general sense, at this stage it is simply premature to say that the farming sector reforms are done with any specific corporates in mind.

Our farm sector needs a shake up. period!

More from Farmer protest

Do read this thread. 🙏
Since Farmers protest, Troll Army has been hyperactive digging out old and unrelated vidoes/images and linking it to Farmers protest to demean the protesters. Just like they did for CAA/NRC protesters in Dec-Feb.
Here are a few #AltNewsFactCheck

A photo that predates both the farmers' protest and the introduction of agricultural reform ordinances approved in June was falsely shared as Muslim man disguised as Sikh to participate in the agitation. #AltNewsFactCheck

A photo of an elderly woman participating in a farmers' protest in Punjab in October was shared with the false claim that she is 'Shaheen Bagh Dadi' Bilkis Bano who was present in the recent farmers' protest. #AltNewsFactCheck 3/n

An old video of few Sikhs along with Pakistani fans raising pro-Pak, Khalistan chants during cricket World Cup match in UK is viral as farmers' protest. BJP's Priti Gandhi, Punit Agwaral shared this and later took it down. #AltNewsFactCheck 4/n

A photograph shot during anti-CAA protests in Shaheen Bagh in February has been shared with the false claim that it shows 'Hathras Bhabhi' at farmers' protest. #AltNewsFactCheck 5/n

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