50 Common Mistakes most developers make while starting out

A thread🧵👇

⚡️1. Focusing on completing courses instead of coding (or completing projects) .

⚡️2. Skipping the fundamentals.

⚡️3. Not joining a developer community.

⚡️4. Not creating projects from scratch.

⚡️5. Skipping Data Structures.
⚡️6. Not reading the documentation.

⚡️7. Trying to learn everything in one day.

⚡️8. Blindly following the tutorial and not extending the code or making their own version of code.

⚡️9. Not asking for help when needed.

⚡️10. Never commenting the code (In required places).
⚡️11. Endlessly Planning instead of Building.

⚡️12. Learning different technologies instead of mastering one.

⚡️13. Not reading stuff (books/articles/documentation).

⚡️14. Not maintaining a balance between programming and not programming.

⚡️15. Not finishing what they started
⚡️16. Not building stuff they care about.

⚡️17. Getting overwhelmed by others' progress/headstart

⚡️18. Not knowing when to quite and start over.

⚡️19. Not practising enough.

⚡️20. Endlessly buying Udemy courses.
⚡️21. Not trying new stuff (frameworks etc).

⚡️22. Not sleeping enough.

⚡️23. Getting addicted to caffeine.

⚡️24. Being afraid to experimentation.

⚡️25. Letting Impostor syndrome take over.
⚡️26. Overworking.

⚡️27. Sacrificing Social life.

⚡️28. Rushing through a problem/course/book/project

⚡️29. Not being curious.

⚡️30. Sacrificing Mental Health.
⚡️31. Not having fun.

⚡️32. Getting stuck on one technology because of stubbornness.

⚡️33. Lacking self motivation.

⚡️34. Not talking to other developers.

⚡️35. Quiting after failing.
⚡️36. Not building personal projects.

⚡️37. Not showing your projects to others.

⚡️38. Not asking others for feedback.

⚡️39. Trying to learn everything at once.

⚡️40. Blindly following others advise without researching on your own.
⚡️41. Not having a strategy.

⚡️42. Waiting until everything is perfect.

⚡️43. Not learning from one's mistakes.

⚡️44. Feeling dumb.

⚡️45. Comparing yourself to others.
⚡️46. Not reading theory.

⚡️47. Not maintaining a balance in life.

⚡️48. Being a perfectionist.(Conditions apply)

⚡️49. Not accepting uncertainty.

⚡️50. Not finding mentors/dev friends

Don't make these mistakes.
Happy Coding ♥️🧑‍💻👨‍💻👩‍💻
I am soo sorry everyone😆

Btw follow me for more programming experience/content⚡️

More from Nirbhay Vashisht

Want to learn JavaScript ?

Here's a Detailed Roadmap for you 🧵👇

1. Start with
https://t.co/LUATAaPiaW's - JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification and finish the "Basic JavaScript" module.

You'll get a basic understanding of JavaScript and Programming in general.

2. Move to https://t.co/ZDqK2dT8Iz and complete the following parts:
- An Introduction
- JavaScript Fundamentals
You'll start to understand Basic JavaScript concepts and their details.

3. Complete "Objects: the basics" section in https://t.co/ZDqK2dT8Iz

By this point you'll have a decent understanding of JavaScript Objects

4. Time to return to freeCodeCamp. Finish the following sections:
1. Debugging
2. Basic Data Structure

More from Education

An appallingly tardy response to such an important element of reading - apologies. The growing recognition of fluency as the crucial developmental area for primary education is certainly encouraging helping us move away from the obsession with reading comprehension tests.

It is, as you suggest, a nuanced pedagogy with the tripartite algorithm of rate, accuracy and prosody at times conflating the landscape and often leading to an educational shrug of the shoulders, a convenient abdication of responsibility and a return to comprehension 'skills'.

Taking each element separately (but not hierarchically) may be helpful but always remembering that for fluency they occur simultaneously (not dissimilar to sentence structure, text structure and rhetoric in fluent writing).

Rate, or words-read-per-minute, is the easiest. Faster reading speeds are EVIDENCE of fluency development but attempting to 'teach' children(or anyone) to read faster is fallacious (Carver, 1985) and will result in processing deficit which in young readers will be catastrophic.

Reading rate is dependent upon eye-movements and cognitive processing development along with orthographic development (more on this later).

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