The #NGSS propose diff experiences 4 Ss n sci classrooms, a ‘practice turn’. Recognizing this, we (Hyunju Lee @LonghurstMax @tjscience Dan Coster @LisaLundgren21 ) sensed a need 4 a survey 4 Ss 2 report their experiencs. Here’s a thread👇abt it 1/n

So what’s a ‘practice turn’? Forman (2018) shared how the practice turn is a move toward emphasizing the professional activities that scientists undertake 2 refine & critique explanations about events that happen in the world #NGSS 2/n
We started from National Academies of Science’s Taking Sci 2 School (2007)/Ready Set Science (2008) 4 Strands of Sci Learning mapped 2 3-D learning in the Frameworks 4 K-12 Sci Ed 2 as features of science classroom experiences we wanted 2 ask Ss abt 3/n
These 4 strands of science learning include 1) Reflecting on Scientific Knowledge 2) Generating Scientific Evidence 3) Participating Productive n Science & 4) Understanding Scientific Explanations 4/n
Next we developed questions 4 our survey w several questions about the 4 strands of learning (see example of questions some of these strands) - trying 2 use language from NAS documents as possible/appropriat 5/n
How do we know it measures what we say it does? We used a 5 stage development process (see figure) - As part of this, we asked some #NGSS experts 2 give us feedback on early drafts of our questions and refined our q’s based on feedback 6/n
How do we know the survey is reliable? We tested it w a buncha Ss in a middle school as they completed our survey 2 describe their experiences in science classrooms (approx. 300 of them! 7th/8th graders) 7/n
After collecting the surveys from a buncha Ss, we did some analysis 2 c if the question that were supposed to measure the same thing did - While many questions did what we intended some didn’t, so we got rid of them 8/n
From this, we ended up w a survey we call Next Generation Science Classrooms that has 35 questions and that is ready 4 us & others 2 try out as a resources for learning abt how successful we r n providing Ss practice turn focused experiences envisioned n #NGSS 9/n
In the end we think the NGSC can b used n the future 2 examine opportunity 2 learn n science classrooms at the school, district, state, or national level 10/n
And, here’s a link were we shared it w our friends/colleagues earlier - DM me/us if you are in interested in a copy! 11/n
Thnxs @LisaLundgren21 (our co-author, friend, & science communicator extraordinaire) 4 this most excellent link for supporting us & others n communicating our research 2 our tweeps! 12/n👏👊✊👏

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An appallingly tardy response to such an important element of reading - apologies. The growing recognition of fluency as the crucial developmental area for primary education is certainly encouraging helping us move away from the obsession with reading comprehension tests.

It is, as you suggest, a nuanced pedagogy with the tripartite algorithm of rate, accuracy and prosody at times conflating the landscape and often leading to an educational shrug of the shoulders, a convenient abdication of responsibility and a return to comprehension 'skills'.

Taking each element separately (but not hierarchically) may be helpful but always remembering that for fluency they occur simultaneously (not dissimilar to sentence structure, text structure and rhetoric in fluent writing).

Rate, or words-read-per-minute, is the easiest. Faster reading speeds are EVIDENCE of fluency development but attempting to 'teach' children(or anyone) to read faster is fallacious (Carver, 1985) and will result in processing deficit which in young readers will be catastrophic.

Reading rate is dependent upon eye-movements and cognitive processing development along with orthographic development (more on this later).

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There is co-ordination across the far right in Ireland now to stir both left and right in the hopes of creating a race war. Think critically! Fascists see the tragic killing of #georgenkencho, the grief of his community and pending investigation as a flashpoint for action.

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The best thing you can do is challenge disinformation and report posts where engagement isn’t appropriate. Many of these are blatantly racist posts designed to drive recruitment to NP and other Nationalist groups. By all means protest but stay safe.