Twilight Saga is the first installment of the Twilight film series, based on Stephenie Meyer's novel of the same name.Starring Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan and Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, it was released November 21 2008 in North America and December 11,2008 in Australia.

It was released on DVD March 21, 2009, and it is rated PG-13 in the US and 12 in the UK. It was directed by Catherine Hardwicke.
Isabella "Bella" Swan lived in Phoenix, Arizonawith her mother Renée and step-father Phil, who is a minor-league baseball player. Phil gets transferred to play baseball in Florida, so they decide to move there but Bella decides to move in with her father, Charlie.
who is the chief of police in Forks, Washington. Bella moves to Forks and is greeted by Charlie's friend, Billy Black, and Billy's son, Bella's childhood friend, Jacob Black. Charlie purchases a truck from Billy as a homecoming gift for Bella.
In Biology, Edward, one of the Cullen "kids”, seems completely disgusted with Bella and he goes away one second before the bell rings. She yearns to confront Edward but he is absent for a week. When he returns, he seems friendly and kind towards her.
explaining that he was gone for "personal reasons". Much to Bella's surprise, Edward's black eyes have turned golden brown.
However, both she and her editor liked Jacob so much that they decided to give him a larger role in the sequels to Twilight, making him a main character in New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.
He forms a deep bond with Bella in the sequels and tries to fight against Edward for her love until she realizes that her love for Edward is stronger and chooses him over Jacob.
Jacob subsequently imprints on Bella and Edward's daughter, Renesmee, thus freeing himself from his heartbreak and triangular issues with Bella and Edward. His Life and Death counterpart is Julie Black. He is portrayed by Taylor Lautner in the movie adaptations.
Jacob Black was born to Billy and Sarah Black. Throughout childhood and adolescence, Jacob's two best friends were Embry Call and Quil Ateara V. All three attended school on the La Push reservation.
During childhood, he and his sisters, Rachel and Rebecca were sometimes acquainted with Charlie Swan's daughter, Bella, though they never became real friends and Bella remained mostly in California and Phoenix.
When he was 9 years old, his mother Sarah died in a tragic car crash, although he recovered from the pain better than his sisters did, thanks in part to his sisters, Rachel and Rebecca, filling the role of mother for him as much as they were able.
Rebecca married a man named Solomon Finauand moved to Hawaii, while Rachel moved away to attend Washington State University as soon as she finished high school. Since his sisters were away, he became his father's only company at home.
especially after he became wheel-chair bound due to diabetes. However, he did not resent taking care of his dad; in fact, he enjoyed his father's company, though he refused to believe in his family legends and traditions.
When the Cullens first moved to Forks, Jacob did not understand his father's aversion. After a while, he began tuning out most of what his father said.
In Breaking Dawn, Jacob is mentioned to have been gone for almost two months now, and is trying to live the rest of his life as a wolf so he doesn't have to deal with the pain he is in. Jacob is first seen at Bella's wedding, having decided to attend despite his pain.
He apologizes to Bella and tells her that he only wants her to be happy. However, he becomes violent towards Edwardwhen he finds out about their plans to make love while Bella is still human, and has to be restrained by Seth and Sam.
During Bella and Edward's honeymoon, Jacob, rage-filled, imagines the different outcomes of the honeymoon.
Jacob's personality changes throughout the books as he matures. In Twilight, he seems very friendly though shy and slightly sheepish around Bella, easily succumbing to her flirtations and worrying about how the Quileute legends will affect her perception of him.
However, in New Moon Jacob goes from being his old, happy self to being sullen and temperamental. This is because he has now phased and is experiencing life in wolf form. In New Moon, his cheerful attitude is what attracts Bella and make her feel better.
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View the resolutions and voting results here:

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