
Mini Thread:

Every time I think there is no more postmodernism in Christianity, I find more postmodernism in Christianity.

This time @KaitlynSchiess

We start out with acknowledging a shift in how "truth" is thought about.

Which, I mean, yeah just read some Stanley Grenz and you can see it coming. It is called *taps mic*


Pic 1: We are sinful and as such we are epistemicly flawed

Pic 2: Because we are flawed and imperfect we must adopt the philosophy of Richard Rorty: "The truth is out there but we can't get it."

Although she hedges slightly with "every time."
Next "There is no universal basis for evaluating our environment."

This is her argument for that:

1. our perspectives are limited,
2. our communities suffer from generational and structural biases,
3. there is no universal basis for evaluating our
This whole argument (much like the whole essay) is totally confused.

For one, the conclusion does not follow from the premises. She goes from different perspectives and people have bias directly to there is no foundation for the discovery of truth.

The cheap dunk is to ask "if there is no universal basis for evaluating the environment, on what basis do you know your communities suffer from generational and structural biases?"

She had to evaluate her environment to figure out her community suffers from structural bias...
If she can't evaluate her environment, she can't know her community suffers from structural bias.

She makes all kinds of claims about the world while claiming that a universal Basis for evaluating the environment does not exist.

Her argument is self-refuting.
Next, she trots out the idea that "absolutism" is just as bad for faith as relativism.

Damn it.

The problem is not the property of truth that is it absolute, the problem is the psychological fact about humans that sometimes we have *CERTAINTY* that is unjustified. But...
Although it is true that Christians sometimes claim to have complete certainty when they ought to content themselves with blessed assurance, this does not mean that truth is no longer absolute, or that we should abandon a "belief in objective means of assessing reality."
The fact that truth is absolute does not imply that our certainty is always justified. This is an argument for humility. It is not an argument for abandoning absolute truth in favor of local narratives which is what @KaitlynSchiess appears to be suggesting here.
She then says "hard facts can lead us astray"

*deep breath*

Lord, give me strength


She then says Christians need "storytelling communities that use particular narratives, practices, and norms to instill in us a truth that could not be reached by reason alone"...
She says we can't get to absolute truth and hard facts lead us astray, so she wants us to abandon both absolute truth and hard facts in favor of narratives and story telling.

How, exactly, does this woman think Trump got elected? Let me tell you:

Trump won the first time by winning the Narrative warfare. And Trump Lost this time because he lost the narrative warfare. Trump is our first postmodern president precisely because his presidency was based on, built around, and powered by narratives, not truth.
If we accept the idea that absolute truth is impossible to grasp, all we are going to get is ever deeper and more insidious forms of narrative warfare on all sides.

That is, and I cannot stress this enough, very bad.

So, @KaitlynSchiess please, lets *NOT* abandon truth...
The deeper we get into postmodernism the worse this is going to get and the winners are not going to people like you, the winners are going to be people who can tell a story, who can use persuasion, who can create a mirage with words....

You know, like Trump...
unless you want more of Trump, lets get back to the facts, because if you think people can be led astray with hard facts, just wait till you see what people can do with a narrative....


Be nice to @KaitlynSchiess please. Don't be mean. She actually seems honest so let's give her the benefit of the doubt that she means well.

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*IS* the cool thing.

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Will @Ameen_HGA be accusing her of chasing power?

More from Culture

@bellingcat's attempt in their new book, published by
@BloomsburyBooks, to coverup the @OPCW #Douma controversy, promote US and UK gov. war narratives, and whitewash fraudulent conduct within the OPCW, is an exercise in deception through omission. @BloomsburyPub @Tim_Hayward_

1) 2000 words are devoted to the OPCW controversy regarding the alleged chemical weapon attack in #Douma, Syria in 2018 but critical material is omitted from the book. Reading it, one would never know the following:

2) That the controversy started when the original interim report, drafted and agreed by Douma inspection team members, was secretly modified by an unknown OPCW person who had manipulated the findings to suggest an attack had occurred. https://t.co/QtAAyH9WyX… @RobertF40396660

3) This act of attempted deception was only derailed because an inspector discovered the secret changes. The manipulations were reported by @ClarkeMicah
and can be readily observed in documents now available https://t.co/2BUNlD8ZUv….

4) @bellingcat's book also makes no mention of the @couragefoundation panel, attended by the @opcw's first Director General, Jose Bustani, at which an OPCW official detailed key procedural irregularities and scientific flaws with the Final Douma Report:

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