Delhi High Court begins hearing suit by #Bollywood Production Houses against 'Bollywood drugs mafia' reportage.

The suit seeks to curb irresponsible and derogatory remarks against the film industry.

The matter is before Justice Rajiv Shakdher.


Senior Advocate Rajiv Nayar for the plaintiff.

Entire schedule has been disrupted because if pleadings not been filed. Republic filed on Saturday and may not be on record : Nayar
Because of*
There are some applications for condonation of delay: Court

Yes, we are seeking condonation: Senior Adv Sandeep Sethi for Times Now.


Adv Malvika Trivedi for @republic also seeks condonation of delay.
Court observes some applications are not on record.
Mr Sethi, I'll condone the delay. Mr Nayar can file rejoinder: Court
I have a suggestion.. one is that court asked them to follow programme code and not broadcast defamatory content. The court may dispose of the suit on this term: Nayar

I object to it. The suit itself is not maintainable: Sethi
It was just a suggestion. We're not on merits: Nayar

Written statement is more like written submissions : Court

I've not seen it : Sethi
Mr Nayar, I'll condone the delay. You file a replication. I said something last time for your client also.. but it has fallen on deaf ears : Court

No Your lordship! We were waiting for the responses: Nayar
Court dictates the order.

Delay in filing responses is condoned.
Written statement are formally taken on record: Court
Court grants three weeks' time to Plaintiff to file replication.

Matter to be listed before joint registrar for completion of pleading and admission-denial. The previous order will continue to operate: Court
I'm not taking a roll call. Just give your appearances: Court
The matter would be heard by the joint registrar on January 18, 2021.

Matter to be heard by court on March 23,2021.

There's no hurry: Court

Yes: Nayar
Hearing over.

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My students @maxzks and Tushar Jois spent most of the summer going through every piece of public documentation, forensics report, and legal document we could find to figure out how police were “breaking phone encryption”. 1/

This was prompted by a claim from someone knowledgeable, who claimed that forensics companies no longer had the ability to break the Apple Secure Enclave Processor, which would make it very hard to crack the password of a locked, recent iPhone. 2/

We wrote an enormous report about what we found, which we’ll release after the holidays. The TL;DR is kind of depressing:

Authorities don’t need to break phone encryption in most cases, because modern phone encryption sort of sucks. 3/

I’ll focus on Apple here but Android is very similar. The top-level is that, to break encryption on an Apple phone you need to get the encryption keys. Since these are derived from the user’s passcode, you either need to guess that — or you need the user to have entered it. 4/

Guessing the password is hard on recent iPhones because there’s (at most) a 10-guess limit enforced by the Secure Enclave Processor (SEP). There’s good evidence that at one point in 2018 a company called GrayKey had a SEP exploit that did this for the X. See photo. 5/
We - myself from AIPWA, @kawalpreetdu from @AISA_tweets and advocate Sneha from @HRLNIndia are in Kanth, #Moradabad to meet the Muskan and Rashid, the couple who are victims of illegal arrest, forced abortion by @UPPolice under the hateful ordinance passed by @myogiadityanath

We found that 1) Muskan is very weak after her miscarriage, and the Moradabad District Hospital where she was admitted has not given her the treatment papers, nor any course of antibiotics and painkillers to prevent post miscarriage infections that can affect fertility in future

2) The first dose of antibiotics & painkillers Muskan received is today - after we got her to speak on phone to a senior gynaecologist in Delhi, who explained that antibiotics are always prescribed following a miscarriage, to prevent infections.

3) Muskan alleges that the hospital administered abortifacient injections after which she suffered a miscarriage. What is indisputable is that the hospital deliberately failed in its duty to a patient, a) by not telling Muskan re the miscarriage b) by not prescribing antibiotics

and c) by withholding her treatment papers which every patient is supposed to receive
Moreover, how did the head of the UP State Commission for Protection of Child Rights Dr Vishesh Gupta, declare that pregnancy was intact? On whose orders did Dr Vishesh Gutpa lie?

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