Important thread.

Q: What does #Imperial College, the World Economic Forum (#WEF), #Salesforce, #Sinovation Ventures (Chinese technology venture capital), #ABB (#automation technology), global artificial intelligence (#AI), all have in common?

A: #Vaccines, #EmergingMarkets, #gene editing - via the Fourth Industrial Revolution

[It is important to Important to note that on June 13, 2019 WEF officially partnered with the UN. On March 11 2020 it announced partnership w/ WHO to form "COVID Action Platform for business."
Jan 24 2019: "Imperial scientists present #vaccine revolution to world leaders at WEF in Davos"

Academics from Imperial's Network for Vaccine Research, joined heads of G20 & other states, #CEOs of #multinationals, members of int. orgs & other scientists at the #WEF meeting.
Most by now, are somewhat familiar with the #Imperial College study (March 16 2020). For those not familiar, take a moment to read these highlights as outlined by Ramesh Thakur, emeritus professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University.

#Imperial has a long standing relationship w/ the WEF. In 2016 WEF convened a Global Future Councils in order to define a 4th industrial revolution. In 2018 it introduced "Network of Global Future Councils". Imperial serves the invitation-only network.

The WEF panel (Jan 24 2019):


Alice Gast: Imperial College President
Marc Benioff: founder/CEO of #Salesforce
Iván Duque: President of Colombia
Ulrich Spiesshofer: President & CEO, ABB (automation)
Murat Sönmez: WEF
Lee Kai-Fu: Sinovation Ventures
Sinovation Ventures: Chinese tech. venture capital

Alice Gast, #Imperial: Chair of the WEF Global University Leaders' Forum (GULF) & member of the Advisory Board for the WEF Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Murat Sönmez: Head of the Centre for the #4IR, #WEF
Marc Benioff, founder/CEO of #Salesforce is a member of the World Economic Forum Board of Trustees. Benioff serves as the inaugural Chair of WEF's Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in San Francisco.

#4IR #Reset
Duque announced that Medellín would host a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, focusing on #AI, Internet of Things, & #Blockchain.

Sönmez announced more 100+ corporations/states had joined the Center for #4IR to co-design & pilot new policies for #EmergingMarkets.
Sönmez announced initial 5G7 partners: #Canada, #France, #Japan, US & #UK. In addition to the new Columbia Centre (& San Fransisco Centre) new affiliate #4IR Centres would be launched in #Israel & the United Arab Emirates.
UNICEF (UN), OHCHR (UN) & World Food Programme (UN) were the 1st international orgs to join the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network.

Initial corporate partners include Amazon, Cognite, Deloitte, Guardian Life, https://t.co/tJez8hoVfn, Vara Tech, Netflix & Visa.
Imperial noted that Prof. Robin Shattock "is working on the manufacturing of RNA vaccines to create quicker & more accessible responsiveness to outbreaks of known pathogens - such as flu, & unknown pathogens, called Disease X."

#CEPI, formed at WEF 2017, shares this interest.
#Imperial further noted: "His team is improving the production system of vaccines to quickly provide tens of thousands of new #vaccine doses within #weeks of a new threat being identified. Currently, vaccines can take 10 years or more to develop."
Prof. Shattock stated: "In a pandemic situation, for every month delay, there is a potential for five million fatalities, that's equivalent of losing a city the size of Rome or Singapore every month. We need to completely reimagine the way vaccines are being produced & approved."
Imperial's Prof. Wendy Barclay, "is aiming to understand whether there is a potential to develop disease control through new measures of animal protection, exploring #transgenic animals and how they could impact #vaccine spread."
"The source of all #influenza is wild water birds... The avian virus can cross into farmed animals, chickens & pigs, which are a stepping stone for the virus to jump into humans." (Imperial)

Solution? Abolish horrific industrial livestock production?

No - #GeneEditing.
#4IR gene-edited, flu-resistant chickens. Working w/ Roslin Inst. Barclay (Imperial) is using #CRISPR technology - to alter the genome of a species. To develop gene edited chickens that would be resistant to infection by influenza.

Or - we could care properly for animals.
Barclay: "With our idea to generate farmed animals that cannot be infected by influenza viruses we aim to bring global health security by stopping influenza pandemics from emerging."


#Imperial assures: global "lockdowns have already saved thousands of lives."
Mar 16 2020. The UN SDG account announces vaccine trials. It tags - not scientists - but instead Benioff, Paul Polman (former Unilever CEO & high-level UN affiliate, influencers, a Gates "Goalkeeper", social media specialist, etc. #TIME

Recall that WEF is at helm of UN SDGs.
Of interest: Nov 14, 2019, Viome announces partnership w/ GSK, world's leading vaccine corp.

Viome is backed by venture capitalist V. Khosla & #Salesforce CEO/founder Marc Benioff. Neither corp. disclosed which diseases they would focus on, or the financial terms of agreement.
In this video (uploaded Feb 26 2019 by #WEF) Imperial's Barclay states that working w/ Roslin Inst. ("Dolly" the cloned sheep), she hopes the first gene-edited chicks will be hatched within the year (2019).


WEF, Jan 2020.

Corporations have a problem: The "#Vaccine Sentiment".

The challenge: building trust in vaccines. Solutions discussed at the "vaccine confidence project" during #wef20.

#antivax: up to 1,000% expansion/ yr
#provax: <200% expansion/ yr
Fear, #panic, anxiety. All can be leveraged in order to obtain social license.

#Fear affects our behaviour, inclusive of "supporting policies that are against our own interests"

"In the wrong hands, this is a playbook that can be used for mass #manipulation & personal power"
We must recognize we live in a #capitalist economic system that serves capital first & foremost. Further, it is imperative to recognize that the UN & UN agencies, inclusive of the #WHO (WEF/#Gates), exist in name only. The #WEF is at the helm of a consolidation of global power.
Celebrities/influencers serve capital - utilized (& manufactured) to reinforce WEF narratives.
WEF top influencers: Attenborough, Goodall & Thunberg.
Marketing video is for the WEF/WWF et al. #VoiceForThePlanet campaign. This is the financialization of nature, global in scale.
#4IR, the monetization of nature, in lockstep w/ the deployment of central bank #digital currency (#CBDC).

This is a global transformation of the economic system.

Nature "valued" at 125 trillion vs. GDP at 85.9 trillion (2018).

"Natural Capital" accounting will replace #GDP.
Benioff, founder/CEO of Salesforce has a net worth of $6.9 billion (Jan 2020). He is also co-founder of Breakthrough Energy (Mission Innovation) w/ #Gates, Bezos, Branson, etc. - Focus of MI/Breakthrough is #nuclear & #CCS.

An Object Lesson In Spectacle:

As #media is the critical element of what we are witnessing, it is important to recall that in 2018 Benioff purchased #Time magazine for $190m in cash. Time has the world's largest circulation for a weekly news magazine, the print edition w/ a readership of 26 million.

Benioff, Davos, 2019: "... there's a risk, that this fourth industrial revolution will worsen our economic, our racial, our gender, & even our environmental inequalities..."

This is not a risk. Rather, it is a known: Close to 50% of all U.S. jobs may be #automated this decade.
Globally? Over 50% by 2055.

A #Disposable working class.

"... with some economists suggesting that #automation could potentially replace over half of all jobs by 2055." - the Global Com. on the Economy & Climate

"the disruption to workers' lives will be significant." #WEF

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