#CDSL -1050

Now above 2.618% and objective is to move higher towards 3.618%
4.236% and 4.618%....

What will Drag lower this stock price 😂 ?
Only if you can sell your holding

Means Verticle rise ?
Than why it decline from (486-180.)


More from MaRkET WaVES (DINESH PATEL ) Stock Market FARMER

#CDSL -1337

Either entry only above 1600 or let it

correct towards 987...

#LTI -4614

Probability towards 4.618% and beyond..

#MINDACORP- 253.70

Monthly chart.

#Perspective: Long term https://t.co/yv7tyaiV1E

More from Cdsl

#CDSL -1163
Objective is to move higher towards

#CDSL -1337

Either entry only above 1600 or let it

correct towards 987...


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