1. So you're probably seething about the judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse case saying lawyers can't call the 3 people he shot "victims," while there's a chance they can be called "rioters" or "looters"

Did you wonder what's up with this guy? I did.

Buckle up

2. Kenosha County (WI) Judge Bruce Schroeder first started getting noticed early in his 40-plus-year career on the bench. In 1987, he made headlines requiring AIDS tests for sex workers. Told he'd be challenged for violating civil liberties, Schroeder said, "I hope so."
3. Story https://t.co/onzHxl1OEX
4. By 2006, Judge Schroeder had such a bad reputation for his outrageous style - and stiff sentences - that hundreds of defendants had requested a different judge, causing a massive backlog in Kenosha County courts https://t.co/6N4jfhFcnc
5. Schroeder's highest profile case before Rittenhouse was in 2008, when a man was found guilty of murdering his wife with antifreeze and Schroeder doled out a life sentence. But he botched it. An appeals court tossed the conviction: Schroeder made an evidentiary mistake
6. Story https://t.co/p97EtlJ5Tu
7. But Schroeder's callous cruelty didn't change. Just this year, the appeals court overturned the judge for "public shaming" of a 28-year-old woman convicted of retail theft. He'd ruled the woman couldn't enter a store without telling management about her criminal past
8. Story: https://t.co/gr2JyPv1Wn
9. And today's bizarre "victims" ruling was not the first time Schroeder's handling of Rittenhouse killings -- with the eyes of the nation on the case -- have drawn fire. In February, protesters were calling for the judge's removal from the case, because of his lenient bail terms
10. Story https://t.co/ZlD5FgPbZ7
11. Let this sink in: America is a powderkeg right now, reeling from an insurrection at the Capitol and amped up violent threats against government officials and even school boards. Armed vigilantes like Rittenhouse on the streets of Kenosha were Exhibit A, and his support...
12. ...from the American Right shows a movement willing to celebrate violence. Into the powderkeg, the dysfunctional U.S. justice system has tossed a massive stink bomb: One of the worst judges in the nation
13. I would plead with the legal system in Wisconsin to use whatever means are available to remove Judge Schroeder -- and name an impartial, respected jurist. Failure in this case could have serious consequences, not just for Kenosha but for the nation - 30 -

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