Tomorrow marks one year since @POTUS and @VP took office. In honor of that milestone, I wanted to look back at 12 remarkable accomplishments @POTUS has achieved in the past 12 months. Buckle up!

1. We reduced health care costs and expanded coverage to nearly 5 million Americans
2. Thanks to the American Rescue Plan, we reopened 95% of schools and helped schools address the pandemic’s impact on students’ learning and mental health
3. Through landmark executive orders, we made advancing equity and racial justice the business of the entire federal government
4. We passed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and started rebuilding our infrastructure and creating good jobs
5. We increased the Child Tax Credit from $2,000 to up to $3,600 per child
6. We laid out a comprehensive strategy to reduce gun crime, including community violence
7. We extended the pause on student loan repayment and cancelled roughly $15 billion in federal student loan debt for over 675,000 borrowers
8. We took action to expand access to the ballot
9. We delivered unprecedented support for Tribal Nations
10. We strengthened the safety net to reduce hunger
11. We increased support for minority-owned and other underserved small businesses
12. We reversed harmful, counterproductive immigration policies of the previous administration
(And we managed a few righteous DPC throwdowns along the way.)
Our team did all that extraordinary work under very tough circumstances—often masked, sometimes caring for sick family members. I’m grateful to everyone at DPC and the @WhiteHouse who delivered for the American people this past year. Can’t wait to see what we get done in 2022.

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