How patriotic am I? In my perfect world Steve Jobs would have died in prison and every politician, CEO & board member who helped offshore American jobs to enrich themselves would be put on trial for treason. Hear me. Capitalism is the greatest enemy of patriotism.

America created generations of oligarchs thru free & cheap labor, tax loopholes & our politicians today still allow it. In fact, they're in on it. Under the banner of globalization, we allow American companies 2 exploit both natural resources & human resources of other nations.
General Electric made billions during the Obama years & didn't pay one dime in taxes b/c the Obama administration & Democrats refused to close the tax loopholes that allowed big companies like GE & people like Donald Trump to escape paying their fair share like other Americans.
Shit, America created Donald Trump & a litany of other ridiculously wealthy mostly white oligarchs who don't give a fuck about anybody at the bottom of society. Senator Elizabeth Warren was right as hell when she said, "it's all rigged." Hell, she was apart of the rigging with-

More from Dr. Alexander Hamilton | Alter Ego: AHAM

More from Business

A solo media founder like Rogan or Mr Beast can make as much money as a strong tech founder, with significantly less managerial stress.

Tech created this ecosystem but there’s a historical cultural bias in tech towards media as unprofitable. That changed a long time ago.

Many more angels that invest in people will invest in media founders. Many traditional media people will *become* media founders.

But not necessarily big companies. Just solo individuals or small groups doing content, like Notch doing Minecraft. Because media scales like code.

Increasingly feeling like “keeping the team size as small as possible, even to one person” is the unarticulated key to making media profitable.

Substack and all the creator tools are just the start of this ecosystem.

The process of converting social influencers into media founders (a trend that has been going on for 10+ years at this point) will be increasingly streamlined.

V1 is link-in-bio, Substack, and sponcon.

V2 likely involves more angels & tokenization a la @tryrollhq. What else?

Why lack of awareness? Influencer monetization numbers are not as public as tech numbers.

There isn’t a TechCrunch & CrunchBase for media founders, chronicling the valuations of influencers.

But that’d be quite valuable. If you are interested in doing this, please DM with demo.
This is a GREAT argument to pull up when talking to people about minimum wage. Some others nested below

A large number of new jobs being created are minimum to low wage, so looking for a new job generally won’t increase pay.

Raising minimum wage helps things not directly related.

Helps Infant mortality? Yup.

Lowers Suicide? Yup.

Reduce smoking rates? You bet.

It also boosts the local economy! Minimum to low wage earners spend more % of their money, so an increase means more is spent, often in community!

Low paying jobs are often in sectors which would gain from this. More people spending money in your shop makes your business more money! Now you have more profits and increased labor costs are covered.

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