#BORISJohnson is set to deliver a press conference to the nation this morning as the Prime Minister nears on securing a trade deal with the European Union.

PUBLISHED: 07:05 Dec 24 2020 | UPDATED: 09:33, Thu, Dec 24, 2020

Update was 9:11!

"And now the Prime Minister is set to deliver a statement to the nation around 8am to announce the deal."

But the update was later than 8am! Still no statement from #BorisJohnson

#8 = H #HillaryClinton
BORIS JOHNSON and Ursula Von Der Leyen have allegedly arrived at a Brexit deal, and an announcement on the details will come today. What time is Boris Johnson's Brexit deal announcement?

07:47 Dec 24, 2020 | UPDATED: 09:04, Thu Dec 24, 2020

#47 #Biden

European Commission spokesman Eric Mamer confirmed talks had also continued overnight via Twitter. #Brexit

Writing at midnight GMT, he said they would start again in the morning. #MidnightRiders #Comms #GMT Ground moving target #Military

"MPs and lords are currently on recess, but can be recalled at 48 hours notice, by December 29 at the earliest."

Why 48 hours notice? They can do it in less time if needed!

#48 #Cue #Gematria #Comms


"December 29 at the earliest" #Comms

#29 #Cue
Some things must remain classified to the very end.
The pedo networks are being dismantled.
We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil #Lucifer #Moloch #Babel #Madonna #Christmas

More from Brexit

It is time to talk Brexit and standards again. (thread)

Let's start off with: I don't think any trade experts are surprised by this. It is why the TCA did not do much on SPS. It is why the EU did not offer much on SPS. It is why the UK did not ask much on SPS.

But it also shows that the popular slogan "after Brexit we'll have the same standards as before, so why would anything change in trade" was wrong - and worse, it was purposefully trying to stifle a necessary debate.

And this leads me to the next point: I have no issue with changing the rules, I have a massive issue with how it is done. Here's what we should discuss:

The decisive question: What are the standards the UK as a country wants. To inform this debate, we need the following information:

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