A quickfire thread based on a book I read recently titled " 80/20 YOUR LIFE " .

Disclaimer : This is MY interpretation & the ratio (80/20) is variable..
The essence here is to identify what matters & weed out the inconsequential & thereby manage time accordingly.

The #Pareto principle - 80/20 Rule is pretty well known & discussed in context of work & business productivity.
But it can also be applied practically in our day to day life in all possible aspects to ensure smooth sailing.
How do we do that? 🤔
Pretty simple actually !
Our Top priority goal must be a S.M.A.R.T goal aka :

Time based goal .

Everything is #time based as time saved can be used constructively for other purposes or even wasted happily ! :))

A large proportion of our output results from a small proportion of inputs . LEVERAGE SMARTLY !
*Cultivate a forward looking #mindset.
* Learn to #skim and #scan.
* Dedicate #focus & #energy to tasks that produce the greatest impact WRT our goals.
* #Unlearn often

Maintain a quality to-do list & a daily to-do list .Ensure high value tasks are mentioned first. Stick to it !
*Be realistic .
*Don't bite off more than you can chew.
*Under promise & over deliver at work to gain attention intially ( NOT VICE VERSA!)
(Applicable for housework also)

If you have employees ,the above 3 pointers are key in deciding productivity. Focus on the right team members .
But don't ignore the others.
Be a people person - Assertive but not Aggressive.
* Household chores *

*Limit cleaning time!!
* Be regular .
* #Declutter often ( Keep prized possessions only . Give away rest . Stop hoarding)
* Stop looking for perfection !!
Get the job done satisfactorily. ( I used to have this OCD for perfection early on 🤷 )
#Finance wherein 20% Wants take up 80% income

* Streamline your budgets ( restrict use of credit cards)
* Identify major expenses & whether they are #need or #wants .
* Track your Fixed & Variable expenses
* Gradually eliminate frivolous spends.
#QUALITY over #QUANTITY always !
Applicable even for #friendship !!
Be approachable & acquaintances , but keep a small ⭕ of friends ( to spend quality time with) .

* Network smartly but choose wisely . Time spent in networking must result in fruitful conversion.
*For meaningful accomplishment:

*Spend 20% of your time on exploring and rest on relentlessly learning .
*Key here is managing #information overload .
* Cultivate Growth mindset
* Embrace Constructive Criticism
* Use #SocialMedia . Don't be used by it ! 🙂
General takeaways

* 80% of the things that bother us are actually inconsequential . Totally not worth our attention & inner peace .

* Free up time to pursue something that adds value to your life .
To sum it up....

To be successful in anything in life both hard work & working smartly is important.



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