Our modern world embraces the lie, the lie of our history, the lie of our present. The lie feeds power of those who seek to control humanity through control of countries & economies.
Money, power & religion are the root perpetuators of the lie, all are mechanisms of control.

The lie is perpetuated through political ideology, religion or both. The lie is pushed to control humanity so that power & wealth solely remains in the hands of the few, at the expense of the many. Be they oligarchs, plutocrats or religious theocrats, they all seek control.
As the lie becomes the accepted norm, those propagating the lie seat their power & control over humanity. We see this in crony-capitalist western nations, socialist regimes, communist nations & religious theocracies like the many Islamic nations of our world.
In all of these formats, power & wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few no matter it be obtained through control derived from political or religious ideology. It matters not the method, all support the lie. It is human nature in a world ruled by Adharma.
This is why Media lies, be it in a crony-capitalist oligarchy/plutocracy like western nations, a socialist/communist nation, or a religious theocracy like our many Islamic States. Media lies to maintain the control of the few and they do not want you to question their authority.
In modern history one political ideology is not given room to breath, the political ideology embracing Dharma. In India, the same forces that push the lie, attack this ancient culture & demonize the nature of Dharma, fighting against its expression on the political world stage
From all corners of the globe, India & her Dharmic culture are attacked. Countries shift from Capitalism to Socialism to Communism to religious theocracy like Islam. In all, one constant is the concentration of wealth & power in the hands of the few at the expense of the many
They attack Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism, Hindutva, any expression of Dharma on the political & national front never giving it room to breath for they know it's the way of life for humanity that can disrupt their insane need for wealth, power & control over humanity and our world.
Instead of dividing, Sanatan Dharma can unite humanity. As a political ideology with focus on Dharma, it can transform our world. If we unite for the betterment of humanity, those controlling through broken political or religious ideologies loose their power & humanity evolves.
Santan Dharma is a way of life, not a dogmatic religion or political ideology seeking control. It's a way of life that evolved for thousands of years, long before the rise of modern capitalism, socialism, communism or the controlling Abrahamic religions of the Middle East.
As individual human beings, for the sake of humanity as a whole, we must make it our duty to seek truth & stand for Dharma. We must strive to lift the veil of the lie being used to control humanity.

It's not an easy task.
It's easier to accept the lie. This is exactly what they want, an obedient population willingly submitting to the lie & accepting of their control over our lives, be it political or religious. They are holding humanity back for the sake of their own greed.
You don't have to believe me blindly, seek answers yourself. Never take things for granted, always seek truth.

At minimum, all people of the world should stop accepting the never ending attacks on the Dharmic culture of India, Hinduism & against her majority Hindu population.
Stop accepting & feeding their lies against this ancient human civilization & culture. Speak against their lies & propaganda against India & Hinduism for they are politically & religiously motived.
Let Dharma breath in India as an example & stop letting them try to crush it.
As always, I pray for peace & understanding in our world & look forward to the day humanity evolves past religious bigotry & hatred, past racism & learns to recognize the indelible truth, we're all exactly the same inside, our true nature, our true Self
Om, shanti, shanti, shanti

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