India: From the Year 1.4 Million BCE to the Year 1818 CE


A Compilation of our 20 threads from 2022 covering India's History, Literature, Philosophy, and Culture.

1. 5 Unique Archaeological Sites of India

A Thread that covers the prehistory of India
2. The Overview and Expanse of the Rigveda
3. The amazing history of the ancient port of Lothal
4. The geography of India as described in the Shatapatha Brahmana Grantha of Yajurveda
5. The Essence of “Dharma”, and its evolution from the Vedic ages
6. The Upanishadic philosophy on fear and death
7. The imprints of the Ramayana across Asia
8. Governance and Fiscal Management in Mahabharata as told in the Shanti Parvan
9. Five Hallmarks of a Great Leader as per Mahabharata
10. The 14 Edicts of Samrat Ashoka
11. History of Paper in India
12. The Ancient Origins of Yoga
13. The three faculties of Learning according to Darshanas
14. The Global spread of Ayurveda
15. Arikamedu – The Ancient Global City of India
16. The sources on the life of Shri Adi Shankaracharya
17. Did you know that we can trace back Idli to at least the 9th century?
18. While the history of Rasayana goes back to the Vedic ages, Rasopnishad was perhaps the most complete treatise on the subject.
19. Buddhism was a pivotal factor in taking Indian ideas to faraway lands. Siberia was one of them.
20. The story of how the Maratha empire conquered most of modern India in a century
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1/ Here’s a list of conversational frameworks I’ve picked up that have been helpful.

Please add your own.

2/ The Magic Question: "What would need to be true for you

3/ On evaluating where someone’s head is at regarding a topic they are being wishy-washy about or delaying.

“Gun to the head—what would you decide now?”

“Fast forward 6 months after your sabbatical--how would you decide: what criteria is most important to you?”

4/ Other Q’s re: decisions:

“Putting aside a list of pros/cons, what’s the *one* reason you’re doing this?” “Why is that the most important reason?”

“What’s end-game here?”

“What does success look like in a world where you pick that path?”

5/ When listening, after empathizing, and wanting to help them make their own decisions without imposing your world view:

“What would the best version of yourself do”?