8 trading and backtesting libraries in Python that will help you find your edge:

QuantSoftware Toolkit

Python-based open source software framework designed to support portfolio construction and management.


Quantitative finance, and backtesting library.


Python framework for real-time financial and backtesting trading strategies.


Vectorized backtesting framework in Python / pandas, designed to make your backtesting easier.


Python Algorithmic Trading Library.


Python library for backtesting trading strategies and analyzing financial markets.


Financial portfolio optimisation in python, including classical efficient frontier and advanced methods.


Python library for backtesting technical/mechanical strategies in the stock and currency markets.

Use them as-is, or change to make them your own:

• QuantSoftware Toolkit
• PyPortfolioOpt
• pyalgotrade
• quantitative
• finmarketpy
• pybacktest
• NowTrade
• analyzer
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