7 proven steps to achieve the optimal body fat for men (12-15%)

1) Track food intake

You can drop fat initially without tracking.

But if you want to achieve visible abs, you will need to be more precise.

Track food intake Mon-Sat, and take Sunday off.

This will keep you accountable and ensure you maintain a calorie deficit.
2) Eat more protein

Protein becomes more important the leaner you get.

The lower your body fat percentage, the more your body requires protein to retain muscle.

Aim for 1g-1.2g protein per LB of body weight.

Consume more:

• Chicken/turkey
• Lean beef/steak
• Fish
• Eggs
3) Periods of sobriety

Alcohol and fat loss do not mix.

Alcohol contains empty calories that have no benefit to your body.

Aim to have periods of 2-3 months where you abstain from alcohol or keep it to a minimum.

This will make reaching 10-12% bf much easier.
4) Lift weights

Your weight training will be the biggest driver of muscle retention.

To ensure you're losing fat and not muscle, lift 3-5x per week.

Focus on 6 exercises, 3 being compounds and 3 sets per workout.

You want to look muscular and lean, not skinny with abs.
5) Sleep

When you're underslept you are at greater risk of:

• Elevated cortisol
• Increased hunger
• Lack of energy
• Low willpower
• Poor habits

All of which can negatively impact fat loss.

Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night if you want 6-pack abs.
6) Activity levels

The best form of exercise to combine with lifting is lots of walking.

Walking 10k steps every day for 1 week can allow you to burn nearly 3000 calories.

This combined with having your diet dialled in will get you visible abs.
7) Slowly reduce your calories

After a while, your body will adapt to the calories you're eating.

This is when fat loss plateaus.

When this happens, reduce your calories by 150 calories

If you're eating 2000 calories, drop down to 1850.

This is how you reach 10-12% body fat.
I'm looking to help 3 entrepreneurs or high performers:

• Drop 20 LBs of fat
• Gain 5-10 LBs of muscle
• Skyrocket their energy levels

In 3 hours per week and without a restrictive diet. 🔥

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