A 2-minutes read that'll help you build unbreakable discipline and consistency than you've been in the last 5 years.

1. Set clear goals

Take a pen and a paper, sit somewhere quiet and write;

• What you want to achieve
• How to achieve it
• Time it'll take for actualization

Let the goal you set be;

• Achievable
• Challenging
• Updatable
• Measurable
2. Set sustainable morning routine

Make your first 3 hours in the morning set the tone of the day

Start your day early to win your day

Be awake by 4:00 or 5:00 and;

• Set on a 20 minutes walk
• Take a quick cold shower
• Read and write for 1 hour
Reinforce these habits for 30 days and you'll eliminate brain fog and boost your focus
3. Set priorities in order

When you have many priorities, then you have prioritized nothing

The end goal will only make you ineffective and tired

Consistency demands focus
That's why you need to;

• Set strong boundaries with yourself
• Learn to say "NO" to what doesn't build you
• Give yourself breaks

Let your priorities drive your purpose
4. Have exciting hobbies

Create a deeper connection with what delight you

Set some days and give yourself;

• That steamy hot sex
• Take yourself on a solo date
• Spend your weekend in a classy hotel

Give yourself rewards that make you push yourself harder
5. Set deadline for task completion

Avoid being caught up in busyness

Set timer before you settle for any constructive work

Do this;

• Set 50 minutes of focus work
• Break for 10 minutes
• Turn off notifications when working

Implement these for 100 days to create momentum
6. Take care of yourself.

It's okay if you screw up

You can't be consistent if you're not at peace with yourself

Prioritize your;

• Mental health
• Physical health
• Emotional health

So invest in;

- A healthy diet
- Quality sleep
- High energy relationships

What else?
7. Lower your expectations

Aiming at high expectations is you trying to control the outcome.

Don't try, it's demotivating


• Show up everyday
• Give quality input
• Track the progress
• Adjust as you move along the days.
Follow @Wealth_Pill and learn more on;

• Making money online
• Persuasive writing
• Business ideas
• Creativity
• Life

More from Lewin | Wealth Pill 💊

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