How to optimize testosterone without TRT.

There has been a lot of talk lately in the TL on how to increase testosterone.

So i write this thread in order to put an end to it once and for all.
Here, you will be given everything that has been proven to be more effective than TRT and not only proven to increase testosterone.

Some of them you will know and some of them you might not.

Whatever the case might be, this is what’s proven to work.
Before you even consider trying TRT make sure to try these out for 4-12 weeks.

Let’s begin.
Number 1: The three Ss

Without the three Ss, having optimized testosterone levels is impossible.

These are: Sun, Steel and Sleep.

When each one of these is optimized and combined, one can expect an increase in testosterone by up to 250%.
In the following images there are ideal splits for natty lifters, a protocol for sun exposure and sleep.

If you can train solar (outside), train solar.

It will boost your performance and results.
Here's how to get deep sleep on a daily basis and also expose yourserlf safely to the sun.
Number 2: Ginger

People have used ginger for medicinal and culinary purposes for centuries.

From stomach issues to fertility problems.

No, not this kind of ginger (even though this will also boost T).
The ginger that showed to increases testosterone levels by 17.7 percent is this one.
Number 3: Pomegranates

Pomegranates are a health elixir.

One study in people with diabetes showed that 1 cup of pomegranate juice lowered CRP and interleukin-6 ( inflammatory markers) by 30-32%.....
Testosterone wise, a study showed a 24% increase in saliva testostosterone in just 14 days of consuming pomegranates.

Pomegranate juice has also been shown to increase the 1rp of olympic athletes.
The fact that no one “expert” on testosterone in twitter fitness twitter seriously promotes pomegranates it makes me wonder if anyone has any idea about testosterone or it’s just an easily marketable subject that you can sell to angry young men and make a profit.

Moving on.
Number 4: HIIT

HIIT will nor only increase testosterone but will also stimulate the production of human growth hormone (HGH) by up to 450 percent during the 24 hours after you finish your workout.

My personal favorite HIIT workouts are sprints and bag work. 1/4 days is enough.
Number 5: Competing

When you add competition in the equation, research has shown that the participants not only perform better when an opponent team was present but also that testosterone skyrockets for a few hours by up to 160%.

So, pick something and compete at it.
Number 6: L reuteri and probiotic rich foods such as kimchi but only with a meal that has carbs in it and if you are metabolically healthy.

To combat any metabolic side effects of probiotics you can consume them with a full meal,coffee, some thiamine and niacin.
You can take a look in this tremendous study:

(Biogaia is the best brand for L reuteri. Especially osfortis).
Number 6: Vitamin K

Most people today are deficient in vitamin K.
Both K1 and K2.

This will obviously result not only in a dramatic decrease in testosterone but also skin aging and even changing the way someone's face looks.
Raw dairy with the occasional MK7 and spirulina is obviously the best solution for this.

Vitamin K2 also binds 17beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 4 and decreases the intracellular estradiol:estrone ratio.

I personally own 2-3 pounds of muscle to MK7 (not kidding).
Number 7: Dietary cholesterol

Several studies have confirmed the connection between lowered cholesterol levels and lowered testosterone levels. The best sources of dietary cholesterol are organic free range egg, raw dairy and free range organ meats.
Usually 500-800mg of dietary cholesterol per day are enough to optimize androgens.

Moving on.

Number 8: Saturated fats

Keep the saturated fats at least at 15% of your daily calories (just do not combine high fat with high carb) and PUFAs as low as you can.
Rats who were fed coconut oil for example daily for 60 days, had a)lower stress levels in their testes and b)significantly higher testosterone levels compared to those who were fed olive oil, soybean oil, canola oil etc. Saturated fats are necessary for our health.
Number 9: Attack endotoxins

My recommendations are 1) Ray Peat’s carrot salad BUT with the added blackseed oil, mushrooms and ginger or for some people 2) organic oat bran with some cacao, coconut oil, ½ teaspoon of cinnamon, apple pectin (the dose varies from brand to brand),
1 teaspoon of raw honey, berries and some eggs on the side with 100 mg of magnesium citrate first thing in the morning.

If your diet has been low in oxalates, cat’s claw or reishi mushroom can be very effective tools also.
Number 10: Eliminate xenoestrogens

The main toxins to keep in mind are the following:

1.Bisphenol A (BPA).

BPA is found in plastics. In order to avoid it, avoid plastic. Never for example microwave food in plastic containers or in general eat and drink anything out of
of plastic.

Especially plastic containers with the numbers 3, 6, or 7 engraved in the triangle on the product.

In order to avoid it, stick to hygiene products with natural ingredients.

These are mainly found in pesticides and herbicides.
That's about it.

If you also include EVOO, oysters, organ meats for the vitamin A and don't spend all day under blue light (aka being outside as much as possible), your testosterone will reach healthy levels.
P.S I'm @Helios_Movement but my account has got jacked up.

If you liked the posts on that profile give me a follow and please RT this post to spread the word.

@CarniClemenza tried to ATTAQ me but it didn't work!

Talk soon.

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