Give me 2 minutes and I'll boost your discipline than any self-help guide would in 5 years

1. Set realistic goals

Without a clear goals, it's hard to choose a path to follow

Here's how to set a clear goal;

• Think on what you want to achieve
• Break it down to more achievable bits
• Visualize the process
• Take a course of action
Make your goal;

• Specific
• Measurable
• Actionable
• Relevant
• Time-bound
2. Establish a clear plan

A plan cuts the long chase by a half

Set aside 30 minutes a day to work on the plan

Do this;

• Carry a pen and a paper/notepad
• Set on a walk to a quiet place
• Write 3+ clear ideas

Repeat this for 30 days.

Small steps finally covers a mile
3. Boost your confidence

To be successful, you must build confidence in yourself.

A confident person is a disciplined one.
This will boost your confidence 5x more

• Take a daily cold shower
• Exercise 5x a week
• Approach 3 strangers a day
• Learn skills for fun

Confidence gives you inner drive
4. Build healthy habits

Good habits are the drive to a boosted disciplined self

Build systems and habits and you'll gain discipline 3x faster

Have systems that;

• Improves your productivity
• Boost your mood
• Shift your mindset

It takes 6 months to build a strong habit
5. Set your priorities right

You never lack time, it's only that your priorities are not inorder

If you continue waiting for the "right time", then you'll wait and nothing will happen
Set straight priorities on your;

• Health
• Finances
• Social life

Use your morning hours or bed time to set what you prioritize
6. Delay your gratification

You must invest in time for anything to grow in your life.

Quiet your thoughts and let nature take control.

Work in packs of 100 day then evaluate the outcome

Fast results are blinding.
7. Practice self care.

Take care of yourself.

Act swiftly but easy, don't attach yourself to a certain outcome.

If it get tough;

• Learn
• Change your tactic
• Try again

Your reward is always on the other of the sidewalk
8. Hold yourself accountable

Developing accountability puts you in control of the input

You can do it or ask a friend to help you

• Set a goal
• Write it down
• Have accountability check daily

Increase gradually until you accustom the new level
9. Be consistent

A habit take 6 months to embody

Take reps everyday and you'll compound heavily

Consistency > intensity

When you get stuck

• Analyze your job
• Spot your current position
• Return to the basics and trace yourself.
Monday set the mood of the week

I want the best from you.

Follow @Wealth_Pil for daily updates on;

• Making money online
• Persuasive writing
• Business ideas
• Life

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Ivor Cummins has been wrong (or lying) almost entirely throughout this pandemic and got paid handsomly for it.

He has been wrong (or lying) so often that it will be nearly impossible for me to track every grift, lie, deceit, manipulation he has pulled. I will use...

... other sources who have been trying to shine on light on this grifter (as I have tried to do, time and again:

Example #1: "Still not seeing Sweden signal versus Denmark really"... There it was (Images attached).
19 to 80 is an over 300% difference.


Example #2 - "Yes, I'm comparing the Noridcs / No, you cannot compare the Nordics."

I wonder why...

Tweets: /

Example #3 - "I'm only looking at what makes the data fit in my favour" a.k.a moving the goalposts.

Tweets: /

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