I lost 23lbs of fat in 87 days.

It’s no rocket science — people just don’t know where to start.

Here’s the 8-step framework I’d use to do it again.

Please steal this 👇👇👇

The best way to implement any behavior change is to focus on one single action item at a time.

Only one.

After you have mastered that, then move on to the next.
1) Protein

Eating more protein is your highest priority for fat loss

Protein has many advantages. Here are a few:

- Keeps you full
- Increase calories burned at rest
- Helps maintain muscle in a caloric deficit
Protein Action Items:

- 4 meals a day with 40g+ of protein at each meal is optimal
- Eat 1-1.2g per lbs of bodyweight (0.7g if extremely overweight)
- Pre-sleep protein before bed to prevent muscle breakdown overnight
- Eat lean animal protein at every meal (meat, dairy, whey)
2) Fasting

Fasting has thousands of benefits, but I’d like to highlight:

- Ease of caloric deficit
- Increases growth hormone
- Cleans damaged cells (autophagy)
- Lowers insulin and blood glucose = more fat burning
Fasting every day can be detrimental to recovery

Only fast 1-2x a week on non-training days

Fasting progression (progress every other week):

1. 14hr Fast 1-2x a week
2. 16hr fast 1-2x a week
3. 18hr fast 1-2x per week
4. 20-24hr fast 1x a week
3) Micronutrition

The goal when losing fat is to deplete your body of calories, not nutrients

You need to eat more micronutrients when trying to lose fat

A micronutrient-rich diet will help you boost energy lose fat and increase muscle gains
How to eat more micronutrients:

- Eat mushrooms
- Eat the rainbow (2 colors per meal)
- Know the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen
- Eat 4-8 servings of fruits or veggies per day
- Bonus points: organ meats
4) Non-Exercise Movement (NEAT)

Non-exercise movement plays a larger role in fat loss than exercise

Unfortunately, you can’t workout hard then sit all day if you want to lose fat

Plus, the more you walk, the more you will be able to eat.
How to increase daily activity:

- Learn a new sport
- 20min Fasted AM Walk
- Park faster away, take the stairs, etc.
- Take movement breaks at work (squats or mini-walks)
- Increase your step count by 2k from where you are now
There are more reasons to walk than losing fat. Walking is the single biggest thing that has maximized my creativity and minimized my overthinking. Listen to Dan.

5) Exercise

Your only goal with exercise should be to maintain muscle mass.

Do not exercise to burn fat.

To maintain your muscle mass, you need to:

- resistance train at least 2x per week
- Take 1 set 1-2 reps from failure for each muscle group
Ranking of importance of exercise type in fat loss:

1. Resistance train 2-5x per week
2. Low-intensity cardio 30-90 min per week
3. Optional: HIIT (cap at 15min per week)
6) Fat

Fat is essential to optimize hormones (testosterone)

But, high-fat, low-carb diets decrease weight room performance which is essential to maintaining muscle mass

But, you can increase fat and lower carb intake on non-lifting days to keep insulin low (see #7)
Optimal fat intake:

- Eat 30-100g of fat per day
- Supplement Wild-Caught EFAs
- Eat whole fat foods (cold-water fish + whole eggs)
- Know the difference between cooking + non-cooking oils
- Rule of 1/3s (1/3 saturated, unsaturated and monounsaturated)
- Ditch Omega 6 Oils
For more info on why Omega 6 oils suck:
7) Carbs

Although carbs get demonized, they are crucial in maintaining muscle mass

If you do not eat enough carbs, your lifts will be terrible which will result in lost muscle mass
Optimal carb intake for fat loss:

- Eat 1-3 servings of non-starchy veggies at each meal
- Time starchy carbs (rice, potatoes, fruit) around workouts (half before, half after)
- 200g of carbs on resistance training days, 120g of carbs on rest or cardio days
8) Sleep

If you are not sleeping at least 7 hours, everything else will fall apart

You will be hungry all the time, you won’t have the energy to lift, and your discipline to maintain your plan will not stick
Best sleep hacks:

- 20min AM Walk
- Create a sleep cave
- Cut off blue light 2 hours before bed
- Track your sleep (time in bed 8+ hours)
- Supplement: magnesium, L-theanine, glycine (0.5g melatonin if needed)
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And if you want help implementing any of these strategies, I am happy to hop on a free call with you and help you create a personalized game plan.

Just shoot me a DM :)

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