Google is the most powerful tool in the world.

But most people don't use it right.

Here are 10 Googling tips you probably don't know:

1/ Use quotes to force an exact-match search:

"what is javascript"
2/ AND operator will return only results related to both terms:

html AND css
3/ You can use the OR operator to get the results related to one of the search terms

(javascript OR python) free course
4. The "-" operator will exclude results that contain a term or phrase:

javascript -css
5/ You can use the (*) wildcards as placeholders, which will be replaced by any word or phrase.

"how to start * in 6 months"
6/ Search inside a single website:

7/ You can also use a very useful feature that helps to find a specific file type. Super useful!

filetype:pdf learn css
8/ Search for a range of numbers:

ecmascript 2016..2018
9/ Use the `before` operator to return only results before a given date

javascript before:2020
10/ Use the `after` operator to return only results after a given date

web development after:2020
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Tip from the Monkey
Pangolins, September 2019 and PLA are the key to this mystery
Stay Tuned!

1. Yang

2. A jacobin capuchin dangling a flagellin pangolin on a javelin while playing a mandolin and strangling a mannequin on a paladin's palanquin, said Saladin
More to come tomorrow!

3. Yigang Tong

4. YT Interview
Some bats & pangolins carry viruses related with SARS-CoV-2, found in SE Asia and in Yunnan, & the pangolins carrying SARS-CoV-2 related viruses were smuggled from SE Asia, so there is a possibility that SARS-CoV-2 were coming from

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