1. Use quotes to force an exact-match search:

"what is javascript"
2. AND operator will return only results related to both terms:

html AND css
3. You can use the OR operator to get the results related to one of the search terms

(javascript OR python) free course
4. - operator will exclude results that contain a term or phrase:

javascript -css
5. You can use the (*) wildcards as placeholders, which will be replaced by any word or phrase.

"how to start * in 6 months"
6. Search inside a single website:

7. You can also use a very useful feature that helps to find a specific file type.

filetype:pdf learn css
8. Search for a range of numbers:

ecmascript 2016..2018
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More from Marko ⚡ Denic

You can use CSS generators to avoid some time-consuming, routine tasks.

I made a collection of the best CSS generators for you.


1. Neumorphism/Soft UI generator

CSS code generator that will help with colors, gradients, and shadows to adopt this new design trend or discover its possibilities.


2. Smooth Shadow generator

Built by @funkensturm.

Link: https://t.co/NNuBGLCtF5

3. Fancy Border Radius Generator

Generator to build organic shapes with CSS3 border-radius.

Built by @supremebeing09

Link: https://t.co/s4zT1hMWP7

4. Easing Gradients

Supercharge your gradients with a non-linear color mix and custom color spaces.

Built by @larsenwork

Link: https://t.co/8Nn952uPRX
8 free APIs for you projects:

1/ Unsplash (@unsplash)

Create with the largest collection of high-quality images that are free to use.


2/ Marvel (@Marvel)

The Marvel Comics API allows developers everywhere to access information about Marvel's vast library of comics—from what's coming up, to 70 years ago.



The objective of this API is to make NASA data, including imagery, eminently accessible to application developers.


4/ Weather (@OpenWeatherMap)

Simple and fast and free weather API from OpenWeatherMap you have access to current weather data, hourly, 5- and 16-day forecasts.

All my dev programming threads and job hunting resources in one list. 👇

Free web development

GitHub repositories to improve your programming

You want to learn HTML & CSS but don't know where to get

You want to learn JavaScript but don't know where to get

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