It's creepy to me how much Elon Musk resembles the false prophet described in the Bible, who will deceive people into worshipping the Antichrist. Maybe you'll think I smoked too much weed again, but please hear me out, it's creepy. A thread.

To start with, the false prophet is not some cartoonishly evil dude people suddenly worship for no clear reason. It's someone who builds a global empire on lies, because Satan is the father of lies. The false prophet will empower the Antichrist, as an inversion of the trinity.
You're explicitly warned that the anti-Christ and the false prophet will deceive many Christians. Who do you guys worship? Bill Gates? Klaus Schwab? No, those dudes may be powerful, but they don't deceive Christians into treating them as deities.
Imagine we're living in an era that revelation gives us some insight into. Who would be a good candidate to be an a false prophet? How about the richest man in the world?
The false prophet will perform false miracles and faith is always compatible with reason. If you're irrational and foolish, governed by people who play on your hopes and dreams, Elon Musk looks like a miracle-worker. But look carefully at his miracles and you'll see they're fake.
The full self-driving cars that were not delivered, the robotaxi's, the 25,000 dollar electric car by 2023. This man promises you to solve the world's big problem (climate change) and that by participating in his projects he will make you rich.
And yet if you look at his fruits, he's a scammer. He has sold 25 billion in shares on a company that never made more than 2 billion in profit. Many people will lose their life savings through his swindle, buying his shares at the top from him.
He is probably the most un-Christian man to ever appeal to Christians. He goes around impregnating one woman after another while remaining loyal to none, the exact thing Jesus told you not to do.
He is a major hypocrite, warning you about climate change and yet traveling by private yet for 10 minute journeys. He promotes pyramid schemes like Dogecoin that will always just impoverish some to enrich others.
So where's the juice? Well remember how one of the heads of the beast would have a head injury that healed? As a teenager Elon Musk made a nasty remark to some guy because his father had committed suicide. He was pushed off the stairs and needed facial reconstructive surgery.
Elon Musk was the bully, but in the stories he tells he was the kid who was bullied. His father recently revealed what had actually happened. It reveals this man's true nature.
His cars kill people, you can see they're junk, it's all over the news. The autopilot is shit, the cars burn down around you, they're made with unsuitable parts to cut costs. What sort of man would not be plagued by guilt? Elon Musk.
He promises to make you all rich with Dogecoin and his stock, he promises to take you all to Mars, he promises to give you affordable self-driving electric cars, he promises to solve climate change and spread life to multiple planets. All false miracles.
And what's the creepiest thing he does? Building the first superhuman Artificial Intelligence (perfect contender for the Antichrist title) through OpenAI. Or perhaps the Neuralink project, to link your brain to computer chips.
The combination of the two means your whole brain could end up being linked towards Superhuman artificial intelligence. They're torturing monkeys right now, implanting this junk into their brains. How does this crap not creep you out? How can you worship this man?
Just to illustrate again what sort of creepy psychopath the dude is, he would walk around in his factory saying he needs to "fire someone". It's his dopamine rush, to have such power over other people.
Here's a miracle from the false prophet we're told about: He causes fire to come down from heaven in full view of the people. The original Greek word translated as fire is also used for lightning. Could it be the Starlink that connects everyone to internet from the heavens above?
Maybe you don't believe in religious prophecies, that's fine with me. But all the descriptions I see in the Bible are more compatible with Elon Musk, his endless lies and the nefarious projects he is working on than anything or anyone else.
I don't know what to think of Revelation. Maybe it's the literal word of God, maybe it's the product of one hell of a mushroom trip, maybe it's just nonsense. But I can't help but see Elon Musk as the sort of figure who represents what it warns about. The end.

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