This thread will make you better at Excel: 📊

Automatic Abbreviations:

If you're like me, autocorrect is more of an annoyance than a help.

Let's change that.

Set up your own custom list of abbreviations, and bend its powers to your will.

Type 'TBD'
Press 'Enter"
Output = 'To be determined'

Take data from multiple tabs.

Consolidate into one.

Sum, average, count, it's your choice.

By creating links to the source data, your consolidation tab will update automatically.

The best part? No formulas required.
Camera Snapshot

Here's a little-known trick to move data between workbooks.

First, add "camera" to your quick access toolbar.

•Select your data ⇢ click 📷
•Paste to new workbook

The cool part: When you update the main workbook, the data in the picture updates as well! 🤯
People Graph:

I'm a big fan of visual representations of data.

Using 'People Graph' is an easy way to liven up your spreadsheet, especially when tracking metrics related to, well, humans.

Create an infographic to visualize social media engagement, app users, customers, & more.
Conditional Formatting:

As I said above, I'm a big fan of visualizing data.

Conditional formatting is one of the best (and easiest) ways to do this.

Let's face it, if your data looks good, you look good.

Spice it up by adding data bars, heat maps, or icon sets to show trends:
Flash Fill:

Let's say you've got all the data you need––it just isn't in the right place.

"Flash Fill" is your friend.

Quickly extract pieces of text from one cell and move them to another OR combine text from multiple cells into a single place.
Advanced Filter:

When working with large data sets, it's nice to be able to extract specific items and paste them to another location.

Advanced Filter lets you do just that.

• 'Data'
• 'Advanced'
Choose your range, filter criteria, & the where to paste the data.

Analyze Data:

I was never very good at Pivot tables, graphs, & analyzing data on my own.

Lucky for me (and you) Excel will do the heavy lifting for us.

•Select the range of data
•"Home" ⇢ "Analyze Data"

Charts, tables, & analysis––premade.

Click "insert" & you're done!
Defined Cell Names:

Formulas in Excel are extremely useful.

That said, they can also be quite confusing.

By defining cell names, you can make them much more user-friendly and easier to read.

Instead of seeing = 'A3-B3'
You'll now see = 'Revenue-Cost'

Check it out:

Let's say you want to add up the values in Column 'D' on 4 different sheets & show a single total.

Quit wasting time on SUM formulas that reference each sheet individually.

3D lets you select the 1st + last sheet in a series and dynamically include any in between.
That's it for today!

Hopefully, you learned something new!

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If you're looking for something else interesting to read today, check out the latest from my friend @darrenchait.

A framework for dealing with the more, shall we say, difficult people in our lives. 👇🏻

More from Blake Burge 💡

How to get rich, learn anything, and get more done.

11 Tweets to change your life. 🧵

1/ Learn Anything:

A masterclass from my friend @SahilBloom

The 6-step framework he uses to learn anything.

(1) Identify & Establish
(2) Research
(3) Skin in the Game
(4) Engage Community
(5) Teach
(6) Reflect &

2/ A cheat sheet for building your career:

20 things you'll wish you knew sooner.

An amazing piece by @RomeenSheth on career

3/ The 5 Traits of Elite Individuals:

I'm not sure what rock I've been living under...

I've somehow just now stumbled across @NdamukongSuh's Twitter content.

It's a goldmine.

Case in point

4/ Where you are -> Where you're going:

•Be consistent
•Set higher standards
•Learn to say "no" more

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