Bad writers sell products.

Good writers sell stories.

Here's how to tell one in 5 simple steps 🧵⬇️

Step #1: Introduce The Protagonist

Every story has a hero.

That might be…

- Your reader
- A past customer
- A past client
- An organization
- Or you

Choose which one based on what your goal is.
Step #2: Introduce The Conflict

Every great hero needs something to overcome.

That might be…

- A problem
- A person
- An organization

Again, choose which one based on what your goal is.
Step #3: Describe The Battle

It’s time for your hero to fight the enemy.

Basic examples:

- A customer facing his health problems
- A client facing her low profitability problems

Whatever it is, share details about the struggle.

That’s how you inspire emotion in your reader.
Step #4: Describe The Victory

The next step in every great story is the protagonist winning.

In marketing, that’s usually with the help of whatever you’re selling.

Your health product led to getting healthier, your service led to increasing profits, etc.
Step #5: Describe The Transformation

You want your reader to *feel* the victory.

So, go into detail about how much the protagonist transforms and how amazing their life becomes because of it.

Sell the transformation.

Storytelling is an essential piece of writing and marketing.

Learn the basics, and you’ll be able to grab attention, cultivate it, and turn it into $$.

Hit the link below for more long-form education like this:

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