If you don't think this is true, just look at the absolute inhumane ghouls in the comments.

I am eternally grateful for the guys I know I can always count on, but this isn't the norm--male friendship is in complete crisis.

(//Short thread)

There are a lot of causes. The monstrosity that is all-pervasive homosexual propaganda, that's a cause. And I absolutely believe that male friendships are one of the primary threats to the regime, and that it encourages or at least naturally causes this catastrophic dissolution.2
Small, intense, groups of men have possibly catalyzed more regime changes than any other group. France, multiple times in Rome, America, maybe Russia, and so on.

These groups require intense candor & trust--the ability to express real ideas. Not your avg fantasy football squad.3
This, combined with the severe lack of male excellence (also explicitly endorsed by our social regime) means that male-male cohesion is pretty much dead.

And this doesn't just matter for "regime change." It matters for your community.
In crisis, in upheaval, in uncertainty, you want a group of men from your community who have formed each other in virtue to step to the plate, not the petty power leeches and bootlickers that love such times.

And most importantly: men, you yourselves need this.
It's a brutal, cold, and heartless world for anyone right now, but men have special dangers lurking for them. You can't rely on your power alone against the literal forces of darkness that will dig their claws into you.

You need God and you need brotherhood.
Women are necessary to stabilize society, so don't take this as a negation of their impressive ability, but men subdue it in the first place. They form it, they grapple with it.

And if it's not holy men doing it, it will be evil men who desire every perversion for your family.
Peace with the Enemy is not an option. You fight or you and your children sink in the morass.

Society WILL BE FORMED. In what image?

Answer, because the clock is ticking.
Addendum: part of the issue is guys themselves, who through poor influences or personal failures don't have the maturity and moral fibre to rise above a shallow camaraderie.

This is societally encouraged, but nobody else is going to fix it. So you have to rise above.

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