There are some people who follow me & take a grievously wrong approach towards matters of dharma. This is for them: See below:

If you sincerely want to understand our shAstras conscientiously, this is a dangerous attitude you ought to abandon at the very outset.

You can EITHER:

1. Wallow in self-pity, resentment, victim-hood & political correctness, follow half-baked people who make you feel good & abuse venerable AcAryas as casteists


2. you can actually bother to learn the tradition for what it is.
You can scroll up from here and then read down. But for convenience's sake, I will be posting screenshots of the relevant portions of the thread in the next few tweets.
Introduction, some basic terms relating to the topic and historical context:
brAhmaNas, kSatriyas and the vish; relationship between these three groups and the supposed, respective occupations:
Was there occupational monopoly? Flexibility in terms of change of occupation. Did this flexibility mean that there were no longer any hereditary varNa identities for people to subscribe to? Not really.

Link to the thread quoted in the second picture:
Further instances of flexibility in respect of occupation. But remember that this flexibility doesn't negate or nullify the hereditary components of the identity.

Link for the article referred to in the screenshot below:
The special role of heredity in the case of brAhmaNas:

This was a rather disconnected thread with a lot of jumping around between concepts. Will link other threads on this or related topics.
Here is a thread I did previously on shUdra contributions to dharma. It is quoted above already. Linking here again for convenience:

Scroll up and read.
Here is a long & detailed exposition on how the term, "shUdra" evolved to attain a range of meanings & how shAstras responded to the changing connotations of the term. - scroll all the way up & read:
Alternatively, but this cuts off the question that led to the thread.
How can we understand the special relationship between heredity & brAhmaNas? Is there a deeper significance or metaphyiscs behind it? Here is one way of thinking about it:
A final submission for tonight:
A thread on kSatropeta brAhmaNas:

Scroll up.
A thread on the special & indelible link between hereditary descent from a ऋषि & वैदिक practices.
A brief translation of Mahādeva’s discourse to Umā on the birth-basis, varṇa progress in subsequent lives & the glory of good conduct in present life that entities one to honours.
Lineage as a ritual substance (dravya) to be input into ritual action - The philosophical meaning of heredity in rituals:

More from All

Unfortunately the "This work includes the identification of viral sequences in bat samples, and has resulted in the isolation of three bat SARS-related coronaviruses that are now used as reagents to test therapeutics and vaccines." were BEFORE the

chimeric infectious clone grants were there. is in 2017, Rs4231. is in 2016, RsSHC014 and RsWIV16. is in 2013, RsWIV1. notice that this is before the beginning of the project

starting in 2016. Also remember that they told about only 3 isolates/live viruses. RsSHC014 is a live infectious clone that is just as alive as those other "Isolates".

P.D. somehow is able to use funds that he have yet recieved yet, and send results and sequences from late 2019 back in time into 2015,2013 and 2016! Ref 3: Why ALL your pangolin samples were PCR negative? to avoid deep sequencing and accidentally reveal Paguma Larvata and Oryctolagus Cuniculus?
How can we use language supervision to learn better visual representations for robotics?

Introducing Voltron: Language-Driven Representation Learning for Robotics!


🧵👇(1 / 12)

Videos of humans performing everyday tasks (Something-Something-v2, Ego4D) offer a rich and diverse resource for learning representations for robotic manipulation.

Yet, an underused part of these datasets are the rich, natural language annotations accompanying each video. (2/12)

The Voltron framework offers a simple way to use language supervision to shape representation learning, building off of prior work in representations for robotics like MVP ( and R3M (

The secret is *balance* (3/12)

Starting with a masked autoencoder over frames from these video clips, make a choice:

1) Condition on language and improve our ability to reconstruct the scene.

2) Generate language given the visual representation and improve our ability to describe what's happening. (4/12)

By trading off *conditioning* and *generation* we show that we can learn 1) better representations than prior methods, and 2) explicitly shape the balance of low and high-level features captured.

Why is the ability to shape this balance important? (5/12)

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अस्य श्री गायत्री ध्यान श्लोक:
(gAyatri dhyAna shlOka)
• This shloka to meditate personified form of वेदमाता गायत्री was given by Bhagwaan Brahma to Sage yAgnavalkya (याज्ञवल्क्य).

• 14th shloka of गायत्री कवचम् which is taken from वशिष्ठ संहिता, goes as follows..

• मुक्ता-विद्रुम-हेम-नील धवलच्छायैर्मुखस्त्रीक्षणै:।
muktA vidruma hEma nIla dhavalachhAyaiH mukhaistrlkShaNaiH.

• युक्तामिन्दुकला-निबद्धमुकुटां तत्वार्थवर्णात्मिकाम्॥
yuktAmindukalA nibaddha makutAm tatvArtha varNAtmikam.

• गायत्रीं वरदाभयाङ्कुश कशां शुभ्रं कपालं गदाम्।
gAyatrIm vardAbhayANkusha kashAm shubhram kapAlam gadAm.

• शंखं चक्रमथारविन्दयुगलं हस्तैर्वहन्ती भजै॥
shankham chakramathArvinda yugalam hastairvahantIm bhajE.

This shloka describes the form of वेदमाता गायत्री.

• It says, "She has five faces which shine with the colours of a Pearl 'मुक्ता', Coral 'विद्रुम', Gold 'हेम्', Sapphire 'नील्', & a Diamond 'धवलम्'.

• These five faces are symbolic of the five primordial elements called पञ्चमहाभूत:' which makes up the entire existence.

• These are the elements of SPACE, FIRE, WIND, EARTH & WATER.

• All these five faces shine with three eyes 'त्रिक्षणै:'.
Fake chats claiming to be from the Irish African community are being disseminated by the far right in order to suggest that violence is imminent from #BLM supporters. This is straight out of the QAnon and Proud Boys playbook. Spread the word. Protest safely. #georgenkencho

There is co-ordination across the far right in Ireland now to stir both left and right in the hopes of creating a race war. Think critically! Fascists see the tragic killing of #georgenkencho, the grief of his community and pending investigation as a flashpoint for action.

Across Telegram, Twitter and Facebook disinformation is being peddled on the back of these tragic events. From false photographs to the tactics ofwhite supremacy, the far right is clumsily trying to drive hate against minority groups and figureheads.

Declan Ganley’s Burkean group and the incel wing of National Party (Gearóid Murphy, Mick O’Keeffe & Co.) as well as all the usuals are concerted in their efforts to demonstrate their white supremacist cred. The quiet parts are today being said out loud.

The best thing you can do is challenge disinformation and report posts where engagement isn’t appropriate. Many of these are blatantly racist posts designed to drive recruitment to NP and other Nationalist groups. By all means protest but stay safe.