I've written marketing copy for 6+ years.

Here are 10 copywriting formulas to increase conversions and clicks on your ads, emails, headlines, and landing pages.

Formula: Problem, Agitate, Solution.

P: identify main problem your audience has.

A: agitate with emotions & stressors.

S: offer your product as the solution.

Use for: landing pages

Example: @buymeacoffee
Formula: Be X Without Y

Be [solution] without [pain-point]

Focus on what your audience wants to become and how they can achieve it with no stress.

Use for: headlines

Example: @HypercontextApp
Formula: Anaphora

Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of each sentence, helping to solidify your message.

"Big skies. Big Scenery. Big Possibilities."

Use for: ads

Example: @WestJet
Formula: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

Get attention via a bold statement. Tease the solution to spark interest.

Build desire via wants and needs. Then show them how to take action.

Use for: body text

Example: @arvidkahl
Formula: Feature, Advantage, Benefit

Don't just list features. Highlight the advantages those features bring, and the end-result they achieve (benefit).

Use for: body text

Example: @Grammarly
Formula: Verb, Value, Urgency.

Verb → get
Value → graded
Urgency → today

Use for: CTAs

Example: @larrykim's @WordStream
Formula: Before, After, Bridge.

BAB is a storytelling formula that shows a user where they are now, where they can be in the future, and how your bridge (offer) gets them there.

Use for: email marketing

Example: @MorningBrew Newsletter
Formula: Outcome-With-Process

This formula focuses on concise clarity. Explain what will happen and how, pointing to your product as the solution.

Use for: headlines

@hipreetam93's @delightchathq
Formula: Bucket Brigades

Bucket brigades drive the person's attention to read line after line.

They're great for writing compelling long-form content.


• Now:
• Truth is:
• Here's why:
• Think about it:
This last tip isn't a formula, but it's as useful. Here are three tools to improve your copywriting:

1. @copy_ai is magic for inspiration.

2. @Grammarly helps you refine tone, style, and more.

3. @HemingwayApp helps you write like you talk.
Were these tips helpful?

1. Retweet the 1st tweet above if you are feeling generous

2. Follow me @jmoserr for more weekly marketing, business, and writing threads!
Want to write landing pages that actually drive sales?

I'm launching a guided course to help you write ones that convert.

It's on pre-launch discount for the next 3 days!


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😎 Microgravity Science Teaching and Research

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