How to make INSANE GAINZ with ZERO equipment!


You don't need a gym to get jacked.

The same principles of building muscle apply to bodyweight training and weight training.

Progressive overload = GAINZ
Pick 1-2 body weight exercises per muscle group and get stronger over time.

For chest shoulders and triceps:

Regular push ups
Diamond push ups
Wide grip push ups
Archer push ups
Tricep push ups
For back and biceps:

Chin ups
Pull ups
Archer pull ups
For legs:

Hip thrusts
With no equipment, I recommend either a 4x a week upper-lower split, or a full body 3x a week split

There are less exercises you can do, so this will make your workouts less boring.

Also more frequency = more chances for progressive overload.

If you don't, it is impossible to consistently apply progressive overload.
Aim to increase your reps each workout by 1-2 reps.

Overtime, you will get really good at body weight exercises!

Day 1:

Push ups: 21 reps, 18 reps, 17 reps
Chin ups: 8 reps, 7 reps, 7 reps

Day 2:

Push ups: 22 reps, 20 reps, 19 reps
Chin ups: 9 reps, 8 reps, 8 reps

Day 3:

Push ups: 23 reps, 22 reps, 20 reps
Chin ups: 10 reps, 10 reps, 9 reps
Do this for weeks or even months until you become a BEAST at the basic bodyweight exercises!

Now increase the difficulty of your exercises.

After regular push ups and chin ups become too easy...

Start doing archer push ups and chin ups!
Then after you have mastered the advanced bodyweight movements...

You can introduce additional resistance!

I know what your thinking...

But you said how to get jacked with ZERO equipment!

Don't worry, I got you!
Put some water bottles in a bag pack and now you have a weighted vest to do push ups and chin ups with!

(You can use a weighted vest for a variety of exercises, push ups and chin ups are just an example)
Start off with a light resistance e.g 1-2 water bottles

Then overtime increase the resistance by adding more water bottles to your bag!

If you are able to to rep out push ups and chin ups with additional weight, you will get JACKED!
Use this framework with any bodyweight exercise to put on some SERIOUS muscle without any equipment!

1. Progress in the basic bodyweight movement
2. Progress in the advanced bodyweight movement
3. Progress in the weighted bodyweight movement

It's that simple!

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