When I moved to Delhi, @drriteshmalik took me in. I spent years with a family practicing these values, I'm so grateful. Unfiltered:

1. Trust: In business as in life, trust is the most cherished & underrated commodity. Doing the right thing, again & again when no one is watching.

Being ethical in your dealings. Business is never B2B/B2C it's always H2H (Human to Human).

Ensuring that you deliver value to people & build win-win outcomes is the only path to long-term, sustainable & holistic success.
You grow when all the stakeholders of your business grow along be it your team members, investors, board, consumers, customers, vendors, merchant partners, etc.

Business / any mission is an attempt to create an agglomeration of like-minded equally passionate individuals
to solve a challenge be it a product or a country. Trust is a product of Reliability multiplied by Consistency multiplied by Intimacy (NLP) divided by Self Interest.

First, ask what you can do for the relationship, your interest is a byproduct & will always be taken care of.
2. Be digital: We’re into the most exciting times in the history of mankind. We have an opportunity to alleviate human challenges at scale by leveraging technology.

Going forward post-pandemic, we’ll see the distinction between online & offline business would deplete.
Every business will become a technology business. Leveraging technology across all the value chain systems is the only solution to survive & adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of business & politics.
If you’re selling food, sell online, if you’re selling health, sell online, if you’re selling building materials even real estate, sell online.

Companies that build online value chain modules will eventually eat the business of the ones which don’t.
3. Product Supremacy: Great companies are built on great products, ensure that you create products that truly add massive value to all stakeholders in the value chain.

At the same time, ensure economic outcomes at all levels. 90% of the marketing is an amazing product.
Ensure whatever you build is built to last. As a founder, a key focus is to ensure that we elongate the cycle of disruption & build products that are not rigid but continuously & consistently evolving.
Almost no company in the world has amassed wealth without adding significant value to the world & 1 product is all it needs.
4. Marathon vs sprint: It takes time, a long time to build institutions that last & leave a global impact.

Ensure that you think ahead, don’t compare yourself with the world & follow your path of ensuring value creation through the test of time.
Compounding a the most underrated philosophy which gives returns in magnitude multiples.
5. Passion economy: Building institutions take time/energy / relentless focus/dedication & indomitable will to not quit in times of distress.

You’re almost guaranteed that you’ll never achieve something worthwhile until you follow your heart.
Every individual is different, we’re excited / ignited by different thoughts.

For me business is my passion, I would want to die doing business, building products that can be scaled. For someone, it may / may not.
Behind every successful institution is a human oddly mad for the mission. Solve a mission closest to your heart & you’ll not work for a day.
6. Health: Human time on this planet is expressed via existence. Survivorship bias is the strongest bias that exists according to me.

A lot of people don’t focus on health. The term health has been beautifully defined by WHO:
"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

Along with physical health, maintaining positive mental health in today’s day & age is extremely essential.
The only way to achieve overall positive health is to stay lean, consume what you require not more.

Ensure you feed on positive food, exclude junk, keep hydrated, meditate & so on. I cannot emphasize enough. Focus on health, there is nothing more important than this.

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மருவா நெறியளிக்கும் வாதவூர் எங்கோன்
திருவாசகம் என்னும் தேன்

1.எப்போது ஆரம்பித்தது என அறியப்படமுடியாத தொலை காலமாக (தொல்லை)

2. இருந்து வரும் (இரும்)

3.பிறவிப் பயணத்திலே ஆழ்த்துகின்ற (பிறவி சூழும்)

4.அறியாமையாகிய இடரை (தளை)

5.அகற்றி (நீக்கி),

6.அதன் விளைவால் சுகதுக்கமெனும் துயரங்கள் விலக (அல்லல் அறுத்து),

7.முழுநிறைவாய்த் தன்னுளே இறைவனை உணர்த்துவதே (ஆனந்த மாக்கியதே),

8.பிறந்து இறக்கும் காலவெளிகளில் (எல்லை)

9.பிணைக்காமல் (மருவா)

10.காக்கும் மெய்யறிவினைத் தருகின்ற (நெறியளிக்கும்),

11.என் தலைவனான மாணிக்க வாசகரின் (வாதவூரெங்கோன்)

12.திருவாசகம் எனும் தேன் (திருவா சகமென்னுந் தேன்)

முதல்வரி: பிறவி என்பது முன்வினை விதையால் முளைப்பதோர் பெருமரம். அந்த ‘முன்வினை’ எங்கு ஆரம்பித்தது எனச் சொல்ல இயலாது. ஆனால் ‘அறியாமை’ ஒன்றே ஆசைக்கும்,, அச்சத்துக்கும் காரணம் என்பதால், அவையே வினைகளை விளைவிப்பன என்பதால், தொடர்ந்து வரும் பிறவிகளுக்கு, ‘அறியாமையே’ காரணம்

அறியாமைக்கு ஆரம்பம் கிடையாது. நமக்கு ஒரு பொருளைப் பற்றிய அறிவு எப்போதிருந்து இல்லை? அதைச் சொல்ல முடியாது. அதனாலேதான் முதலடியில், ஆரம்பமில்லாத அஞ்ஞானத்தை பிறவிகளுக்குக் காரணமாகச் சொல்லியது. ஆனால் அறியாமை, அறிவின் எழுச்சியால், அப்போதே முடிந்து விடும்.

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Pseudonym means “a fictitious name (more literally, a false name), as those used by writers and movie stars,” while stage name is “the pseudonym of an entertainer.”

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