I spent $1000s on software apps in the past 1 year

Here are the top 11 you'd love if you want to start your own agency and make money online


1/ Notion

For all my writing, SOPs, documentation, drafts, summaries, notes, everything

@NotionHQ is THE BEST out there.

If I had to choose just one app from this list, it would be Notion.
2/ Carrd

I use @carrd for so many 1 page websites that's I won't even count

Simple to use easy landing page builder with no learning curve

You can signup now and have a simple landing page published within 30 minutes
3/ Go High Level

I use @gohighlevel for everything from managing leads in the pipeline to sending emails and text messages.

If you have any kind of agency or use any other CRM, just signup to high-level today and replace like 10 apps by one.
4/ Figma

If you need to make any kind of graphic, just use Figma.

So much easier than photoshop and really powerful!
5/ Slack

If you have any kind of team, just use slack for communication.

The automation, integrations and multiple channels keep everything clean and organized.

There was a time when I was on zoom like 7 hours a day talking to team and clients

Showing results, discussing problems, etc

That 7 hours is now less than 1-hour thanks to loom.
7/ Testimonial

I use this to collect, store & host all your testimonials, video & text in one place.

@damengchen has made an awesome software with beautiful UI!
8/ Kleanleads & Contactecom

Literally, the best scraping software out there if you want to get emails of:
1. Anyone on Linkedin🤯
2. Local businesses
3. Ecom stores

@blackhatwizardd has nailed it with these apps.

https://t.co/6OsRCmZ6Er & https://t.co/rFCiIWhMOn
9/ Leadlink

@THETYFRANKEL solved all my pain points from a Linkedin outreach software and it's so good!

@HiLeadLink is a beast if you want to use LinkedIn to get clients for your business.
10/ Uplead

I'm doing most of the outreach right now to enterprises and $10MM+ companies.

So if you ever need to do outreach to the whales and want high-quality leads, get uplead.
11/ Otter

I transcribe all my meetings and voice notes and import them to a single notion database.

You can literally press Ctrl+P or Cmd+P and search from 100s of hours of meetings, and voice notes within seconds.
Get the roadmap if you want a step-by-step guide to start & scale your online business to $25k/month and beyond


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