Hello Dear Tweeples! Wishing you all on the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya and Bhagwān Parashuram Avtaran Diwas!

On this occasion, let's look at one of the imp aspect of humans - EQ (Emotional Quotient).

@anexcommie @shreekanth2020 @HelloNNewman @GunduHuDuGa

Am not sure how many of us are aware the vital role EQ plays in shaping us who we're. I read somewhere tht the EQ amongst humans have considerably gone down over yrs while imp is given to IQ.

Let me share a real life story.

@RajeAiyer @SriRamya21 @Speakwithsense1 @wataboutery
A young man in his thirties used to stand on the footpath opposite the famous Tata Cancer Hospital at Mumbai and stare at the crowd in front- fear plainly written upon the faces of the patients standing at death’s door; their relatives with equally grim faces running around...
These sights disturbed him greatly..

Most of the patients were poor people from distant towns. They had no idea whom to meet, or what to do. They had no money for medicines, not even food. The young man, heavily depressed, would return home.

@krithikasivasw @NandiniVenkate3
‘Something should be done for these people’, he would think. He was haunted by the thought day and night.

At last he found a way-

He rented out his own hotel that was doing good business and raised some money.

@rspchary @rsankaras @Kishoreciyer1
From these funds he started a charitable activity right opposite Tata Cancer Hospital, on the pavement next to Kondaji Building. He himself had no idea that the activity would continue to flourish even after the passage of 27 years.

@jananisampath @LevinaNeythiri
The activity consisted of providing free meals for cancer patients and their relatives. Many people in the vicinity approved of this activity. Beginning with fifty, the number of beneficiaries soon rose to hundred, two hundred, three hundred.

@lost_Dharma_ @LathaPrasana
As the numbers of patients increased, so did the number of helping hands.

As years rolled by, the activity continued; undeterred by the change of seasons, come winter, summer or even the dreaded monsoon of Mumbai. The number of beneficiaries soon reached 700.

Mr Harakhchand Sawla, for that was the name of the pioneer, did not stop there. He started supplying free medicines for the needy. In fact, he started a medicine bank, enlisting voluntary services of three doctors and three pharmacists.
A toy banks was opened for kids suffering from cancer. The ‘Jeevan Jyot’ trust founded by Mr Sawla now runs more than 60 humanitarian projects. A thousand salutes to his boundless energy and his monumental contribution!

This is more than just a feel-good story. It's a real-life example of emotional intelligence.

What this story teaches us about EQ (and empathy)

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, understand, and manage emotions in order to reach a goal, or to help...
...yourself (or others). It includes the remarkable quality of empathy, the ability to connect with another person's thoughts and feelings.

But to exercise empathy in the fullest sense requires not only to understand others' feelings, but to take action.

Mr Harakhchand Sawla, could have easily just sympathised with the ppl and moved on. Instead, he was struck so much by what he saw tht he couldn't sleep at night and at last went out to find a way to help them.
I just hope & pray tht if nothing, we at least take this lesson from the above story - While IQ helps you, EQ helps you and ppl around you.

Have a great rest of the day and happy weekend in advance.

Shivoham! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Story: WhatsApp, Pic: Google


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