Sopore, is known as Suyyapur (named after this great engineer) . It is a town in Baramulla district of J&K

For centuries the people of the valley had been suffering from the recurring curse of famines and floods.

Suya correctly assessed that these frequent calamities occurred due to heavy rains and excessive water of the Vitasta River which could not easily get out with swiftness, through a gorge near Varahmula, as the compressed passage there bad got blocked with silt and huge boulders.
The people removed both the silt and stones when the great engineer threw plenty of gold and silver coins into the river at many places.
Thousands of people immediately jumped into the flooded Vitasta and in order to find the coins cleared the bed of the rocks and boulders which had choked up the passage. Suya, then raised stone embankments, and adopted other protective measures.
Many canals were dug-out to increase the irrigational facilities. The result of all these measures was that a great increase of land became available for cultivation.
Suya’s memory is still preserved to this day, by the town
Suyapura (Sopore) founded by him at the point where river Vitasta, since his regulation, leaves the basin of Mahapadomsar (Wular lake).

SOURCE- Kalhana's Rajatarangini
Did u know this @Nidhi7007 @DrAmbardar @rajiv_pandit ?
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जनपदोध्वंस (Pandemic).

धर्म एव हतो हन्ति (जो पुरूष धर्म का नाश करता है, उसी का नाश धर्म कर देता है)

Why do we always have to learn it the hard way?

Charak Samhita (of Ayurveda) has a whole chapter on जनपदोध्वंस (pandemic).

Shloka 3.6 describes the cause of जनपदोध्वंस as अधर्मः (Adharma). It says where basic elements like earth, water, air are polluted, seasons do not follow the correct timings, living beings are killed mercilessly, good conduct has vanished, where there’s exploitation of forces of

nature, where this is curse (because of agony of living beings) जनपदोध्वंस is inevitable.

We are satisfying not one but all the conditions. Ground-water, crops-land, rivers, air we breath everything is polluted. Climate change is prevalent because of green house gases.

Animals are reproduced artificially and killed in millions every day and that too with the most cruel way possible.

Towards the end of the story of Mahabharata (महाभारत), Veda Vyasa (व्यास) through the five slokas known as the "Bharatasavitri" (भारत सवीत्री) emphasizes

as to how important the quality of righteousness is to both the human life and the society and that if righteousness is abandoned and unrighteousness supported, not only is the entire clan ruined but it also causes a great deal of harm to the society.

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